Troll Kingdom

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There is a military helicopter hovering over my house.


Staff member
And it looks like it might be in trouble. If it crashes I need to get the fuck out of dodge because I will be blown to smithereens. It has no lights on and it's making a huge racket and not moving. Well it's moving slightly bacwards closer to my house.

I have no idea what the hell is going on, it's pretty random. It's bene up there for almost 15 minutes in the same spot, its not that high but not that low either.

It had better not fucking crash.

I'm going outside to check it out again...
I have never been so bang to rights serious in my life. I have just got back, I jumped in the car and evaced my house. Everyone was down the beach and there are all sorts of Emergency vehicles here now. The Copter has gone off towards Delphini, my house is no longer in danger, a bunhc of poilice and ambulances just flew down past my road on the way to Delphini. I have no idea what is going on now but I actually think it's coming down. It may have allready I can't see or hear it anymore.


Damn, this is pretty scary.
I'm back couldn't see anything. The military was called thats all I know. Still don't know where the copter is now, but something was wrong. Fucking Greeks. Of all the places to bring your fucking huge broken copter it had to be my house.

I wikll keep you updated if I hear anything else.
It will happen, but I have at least two more pages of new threads to treat you to yet!
interested! interested!
just coming back after you two settle with Loktar and the blood's dried a bit!
well, plus I actually have to do some prep work for ESL tonight...a bloody GERMAN has joined the class...she wants GERMANY to win the Cup...WHAT??

How can anyone be expected to teach under these kinds of conditions???
We all know that Brazil are going to kick the shit out of everyone. Ronaldinhio is actually too classy. And England will fight valiantly then be retarded in the last five minutes play badly get some harsh decisions thrown at them and bow out AGAIN.

They should tie Tim Henman up in bubble wrap and make him the official World Cup football.
I had three seperate helicopters go over where I work today, so it was either the FBI investigating TK members, or its the "not doing any work again" police come to investigate me.