They're showing the Pentagon 9/11 video on CNN


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Fucking lying cocksuckers, they're making shit up. "here you can see the body of the 747 as it heads in"

You can't see anything except the explosion.

Actually, in the indy pic, Hyjacking Catastrophe, the object flying into the Pentagon wall is WAY to small to be a 747. more missile sized.
Ask them where the debris of this plane is.
The missile theory is one of the greatest pieces of misinformation ever created. Kudos to the propagandists who encourage its proliferation.
jack said:
Fucking lying cocksuckers, they're making shit up. "here you can see the body of the 747 as it heads in"

You can't see anything except the explosion.


It was a plane you dumb shit.
I dont care about missles. I was watching the towers explode when the very first newscast about the penatgon hit went off.

They distinctly said, a TRUCK hit the pentagon and exploded. They said that for 20 minutes Then they went whoops that's not correct about 20 minutes later it was a plane.

That's ok Lyndon Johnson fucked Kennedy in the throat before the autopsy to fool the Warren commission into thinking it was an exit wound, so I "get it".