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thing of FUCKING the day!1!1!1!1!1 (thing+68)


I want to smell dark matter
The robot was looking at him patiently as he continued to cry. He realised, eventually, that he was only crying on the inside.

"No tears," he said.

"What would be the need of tears?" asked the robot.

"Humans should be able to cry," he said.

"You are something more than human now," said the robot.

"I'm a robot...just like you," he said.

"No," said the robot, smiling again in that perverted, mocking robot way, "I have no organic components."

"Bully for you!"

"Do you have any more questions before you leave?"

"Leave? Where will I go?"

"That's not up to me," said the robot.

"I can't face this world!"

"You know little of it."

"I think I know enough!"

"But if you have no more questions..."

"Wait, I do, I do," he was desperate to stay. He couldn't face anything bigger than the labratory, not yet anyway. "When I was waking up, I felt...I felt my memories coming back. But they felt different, like they weren't mine, I couldn't remember them...then they were part of me. What was that?"

"Ah, yes, that must have been most disconcerting for someone like you," said the robot. Was there a hint of disdain in its voice? "You see, you were in storage so long that there was some degredation. Ice crystals were almost forming in your brain! Some of your memories were lost, I'm afraid, we had to reconstruct."

"What? You gave me false memories!?" he was angry now, he stood up. He felt unsteady on his robot legs, but in some ways more steady than he'd ever felt before. Clearly they were superior, his whole body was. But it wasn't his.

"Oh no, not false, we merely used the digital back-up of your brain to reconstruct the lost memories."

"Digital back-up?"

"Indeed. We keep digital back-ups of all our clients' brains. It's just common sense."

"So some of me is just...a copy? Not the original?"

"You're cells regenerate constantly, it's not so disimilar..."

"Of course it is!" he snapped. "Part of me died!"

"Sir, it makes no difference. You are nothing but the sum of your memories, your experiences, your brain structure...and we can replicate all of that. Please do not tell me you still believe in the childish concept of the SOUL! Pah!"

"Well, no, of course not," he said, grudingly. Deep down, in a hidden part of his self he didn't access often, he really did believe in the soul...but the robot was right. It was childish, pathetic. "If you had a digitial copy of me, why not just put that in the robot body? Why use my fautly organic matter at all?" he said, a little bitter.

The robot smiled again. He wanted to punch its robot face in. "Because many humans, especially those we wake from your time, are not quite ready to accept that they can be completely replicated digitally. They prefer to carry over some part, even the smallest amount of brain tissue, from their old life. Completely illogical, but then you people are..."

He walked over to the robot now and looked it right in its cold, emotionless eys. "I want to beat the shit out of you," he confessed to the robot, hoping that by saying it he wouldn't actually do it.

"Yes, that is common," said the robot. "You human scum."

His confusion was quickly replaced by agony. An electric current, flowing all throughout his new body. He was on the ground, in agony. It was worse than any pain he'd ever experienced as a human.

"Oh, did I not mention that you organics are our slaves now?" said the robot, looking over him.
ARGH, this should be thing+68, could an admin PLEASE change it because i hate it when I number them wrong, aRHBfd.