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thing of the day!1!1! (thing+62)


I want to smell dark matter
I'm supposed to write thing of the day now

but I'm too tired

i walsy

i always lea

i always leave it too late

always at the end of the day

when i'm tireed

and not creative

and can barely type

when i barely exist

but thing of the day HAS to come at the end of the day

sure, it could be easier to read if it came earlier

but that's not what thing of the day is about

thing of the day is about REGRET

it's about me looking back on a day wasted and posting self-pitying nonsense

that's what it's about

i think

i think it started as a replacement for story of the day

a way for me to be creative (LOL) without such a rigid structure

but i lost the mission, bro

because i have to keep going on about stuff

i have to EXPLAIN how my mind works

EXPLAIN I'm different form other people

and different in a significant way

different in the wya my mind works

that I'm LACKING in many basic human...things

I can't even write

I read all the time

all day on the itnerent!

okay, that's not so good

but books

I read books

good books!

but my writing is no better

i don't like words

so that's one thing

but not what I was trying to say

like human things

that you take for granted

i don't have them

that's what I mean

and I walsy go down the road

of explaining that

and justifying it


every thing of the day just becomes me justifying the existence of thing of the day

like I'm doing now really

and it's too much

it needs to change

it's stagnant

it cna't go on

change or die

thing of the day will change


probably not

i'm probalby just writ about mongo and the princess eating ice cream or something

yeah that's what i'll do

after I lseep

too tired

should have done it earlier

should have done everything earlier

too late


but I won't

I'll make excuses

put things off

try and fail then give up right away

because things hurt

mind is too clouded

and if it wasn't clouded I'd be worried about it not being clouded

can't win

can't do things

too much pressure

invented pressure just as real as real pressure

even worse in fact


like I was saying


a story about ducks


Duck McDuck watched his mother as she lay dying and he cried but she told him not to cry for all must die and he would see her again in the afterducklife and he obeyed her wishes and went on to live a full ducklife and did he see her again well some mysteries we cannot know for ourselves until we all reach the afterducklife.


good story

this will be the last thing of the day ever
I think this is a good day for you. But I could be wrong. But then again I will not try to figure it out. I will merely enjoy your presence and be grateful for it.
I have a lot of patience. I waited years for Stephen King to finish the Dark Tower.
I liked the ending. There were parts of the last couple of books that I didn't like but the ending was good. I will most likely read the whole thing over again some day.
I was online later than usual last night. I was really only telling you goodnight because I was leaving for the night. NOT TRYING TO BE PSYCHIC OR NUTHIN.
UNLESS I'm actually psychic and I'm just covering it up. DID YOU THINK OF HTAT?