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Thing of the day, sajkgjkaslgjks (thing+120)


I want to smell dark matter
there is notyhing


act 2

(Man1 is on the stage by himself.)

Man1: You ruined everything...took my girl from me...THE LOVE OF Yy's been five years...five longs years but I won't foget...I'm still're said you knew a way out YOU WERE LYING SAID IT TO IMPRESS HER TO MAKE ME LOOK BAD YOU CAN'T STAND ME FOR BEING BETTER THAN YOU FUCK YOU FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK YOU UP THE FUCKING took her...tried to follow eventually TO TELL HER TO COME BACK BECAUSE SHE SHOULDN'T BE WITH YOU...couldn't find you...coudln't find HER...coudn't find way out...been here since...eating berries and hedgehogs...I live I GO ON LIVING BECAUSE DEATH IS NOT AN OPTION COWARDS COMMIT SUICIDE I'M NOT A will come bakc one day looking for me...OR I'LL FIND YOU...and I'll skin you...I'll gut you...I'll gut out your eyeballs and eat them but you won't be able to see me eat them because you will have no eyes because I'll be eating them but SHE WILL SEE YES SHE WILL and she will see my glory and my majesty...I am meant for special things, things that are special that is why, dust in the wind, that is why, BONES BONES BONES...THAT IS WHY FUCKDAMN IT, that is why I'm here why I must go through all this TO COME OUT THE OTHER END BIGGER AND BETTER AND KING AND GLORIOUS and you will will took her from me...couldn't even put your tent up but you took her from me what gives you the RIGHT RIGHT WHAT GIVES YOU THE FUCKING RIGHT YOU TOOK HER FROM ME I'LL STAB YOUR FACE OFF I'LL CUT YOU UP AND EAT YOU I'LL SLICE YOUR BREASTS...NO...never hurt her...she's just a woman she didn't know...doesn't understand about survival...she was scared...YOU TRICKED HER...I still love her...I STILL LOVE YOU! CAN YOU HEAR ME? I LOVE YOU! COME BACK TO ME! AND BRING HIM! BRING HIM SO I CAN KILL YOU! WE'LL MAKE LOVE HERE, UNDER THE STARLIGHT THE MOONLIGHT...WE'LL SLEEP IN MY TENT...because I can put a tent up...I can I can...I can do it all....YOU TOOK HER



wthere will probalby only be two acts to bhoenst