I want to smell dark matter
my keyboard boke
tis really happened, i'mnot just making it up fr thig of the day
i am typing thids on the on-creen keybard
it is slow and it sucks
but at least its a new experince
it shows hpw feele our atttepts gto communicate are
is bad enough normally
for yuo, talking like anorml person is like ytypingon a norma keybored
forme it's ;like using his shit
tis really happened, i'mnot just making it up fr thig of the day
i am typing thids on the on-creen keybard
it is slow and it sucks
but at least its a new experince
it shows hpw feele our atttepts gto communicate are
is bad enough normally
for yuo, talking like anorml person is like ytypingon a norma keybored
forme it's ;like using his shit