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thing of the day (thing+403)


I want to smell dark matter
this will not be a return of thing through time or a pope terrible sotry

ghih it's not good

nothing's good



here's the thing

I will never be able to properly express myself ever

any time you've talked to me and you've thought I've been properly expressiong myself you were actually wrong I wasn't

I was trying

but there's always a layer inbetween

well more than one

there's the layer between people

then there's a layer between my brain and the outside world

then there's layers between the various parts of my brain

and probably in individual parts of my brain

or osmething

the point is I wasn't properalby expressing myself


I just do the best I can

well not really

usually i just give up if somethign doesn't come across the right way right away

and say "okay"

and just move on

and let it be

and then I'm misunderstood

but reallly no one remembers theses things anyway

i just wish we could all mind meld once

and then you'd understand

and you'd cry for all the beauty in the world lol



they're not real

it must be kind of the same for everyone else

i mean without as many layers

sinc ethey do communciate

and have convearstions

that flow

where they say the right thigns

is that really commuincating or just mimicking?

i don't know
I can't do it anyway

so yeah

imagine loads of men bigmanly men with big hairy chests and big fucking necks and heads and they're all sitting around saying manly things

and not just like sexist things about girls that make me angry but like about football and cars and whatever

and not even just that but they're like making fun of each other but they understand the rules of it and thy're like "haha you poof" but it's not even the homophobia I'm complaing about

it's just that they all understand each other

that's the worst part

and they like it

anyway imagines being in that room

that's my idea of hell

but of course you'll all reply now "yeah that's my idea of hell too"

so I shouldn't ahve typed all that

because it gives the false impression we're the same

i should have used another example
but they're too obscure

i can't just say "two people talking to each other is myh idea of hell"

because that could possibly be bearable in the right circumstances

i don't know

evyerhting's my idea of hell

i don't even understand my obession with femael celeibryt


why do i do the thigns i do

i go back and read my old posts and think kwhy


how can the wacky hot one hundred exist

look at the timescale necessary for that thing

and i keep doing it

insanity is repeating the same action again and again and expecting different results (as faith said in that episode of angel loldushku can't act)

i mean really

the wacky hot one hundred




i don't even wank much

when Cassie asks what I'm doing i chat and I say "WANKING"

that's only true like one in a hundred times!

and remember when i thought i was bisexual

but did i really

i don tthink i did

i don tthink i understood the way normal peo[le (it's just judgemental to say "neurotypicals" it's a handy term to use) think so or fomrulate sexual attraction

so I just thought "hmm i don't seem to fit any category maybe I'm bi"

but really I'm outside categories

or is that being arrogant

no i'm outside categories

and maybe sometimes I will randomly feel some lust for a HOT MAN somehow

it doesn't really mean anything

just neurons firing

oh my enter key just got stuck again maybe the keyboard was damaged by that tuna

so yeah i don't think you all want to know how i manage to trick my brain into giving my body erections so i'll stop

but it's a complciated process sometimes

always involves girls now though

does that mean i'm "straight" even though when I read things straight men say online I don't fucking understand any of it and I'd never watch porn and when i see some model sitting on a table with big tits (on the model not the table) it does nothing for me and I might as well be looking at the table and yeah i don't know how this became about sexuality let's just say i don't know

natalie portman and keira knightley have nice mouths

i like them and gillian joacbs all the times and gillian jacbos seems cool like i'd want to be her friend if i wans't me like I'd like to be Anna Kendrick and friends iwth Gillian Jacobs but then i wouldnt be me because you can't transfer identity into a different brain because you'd have to change the whole structure of the brain

i looked at Jeri Ryan and Sansa from GOT today and found them both pleasant and probably a bit "phwoar look at her tits" for Jeri Ryan in there but not as much as when i was a teenager and more of a "cry because of all the beauty in the wordl" way for Sansa

olivia wilde cheekbones

i like michelle trachtneberg sometiems but then sometimes her head looks the wrong shape

and not "wrong" in an objective way but to my brain

like when I'm eating food but it's slightly different and ti feels "wrong" and i can tell but it's just different not wrong



so yeah i don't know i just find some appearances more suited to my brain than others and note that

but then yeah if i find out an actress i like has done a nude scene I'll google it and will feel some lust i guess

so that does happen
but not just randomly i guess i have to already like them first

i don'tk onw

so umm yeah this is getting too honest

but remember you can't take all this literally because of the limiations of word

oh and time passing
that ruins everything

if i had infinite time i would be able to express myself fully

but sometimes you plan to say a lot then look at the time an dhave to go to bed

and you've run out

but it will do you decide

like whenever you posts anything and you just sigh and think "NO TOMTREK/EGGS/FUDDLEMIFF/CASSIE/DR_DAVE/SUSIE THAT'S NOT QUITE WHAT I MEANT BUT I'LL LET IT PASS"

but is what makes you YOU lost in that letting of passing!?


this whole thing of the die was a lie by the way
(it wasn't really that way the lie)

it doesn't meatter


that's a new word

it's a rmeinder that we're all made out of MEAT IMMMMMMMMMHO!

Speaking again of that now overly beaten :deadhorse: John Harrison, an aficionado on another board suggested:

Harrison > Harri son > Harry's son (as in Mudd)

speculating this character might be Harry Mudd's son &/or something similar(?). Perhaps John Harrison is another Normandroid?!?! Mudd "adopts" a Normandroid and names him John!
When I reply to a post/thread of yours, I feel as if we've connected for a moment (i.e. I "got" it as much as one gets things in this environment) if you posrep the post. To me it means enough of a nod that maybe one of two things happened: 1) I actually "got" it and carried the thought a little further for you, or 2) I maybe didn't completely absorb it, but I added a complementary thought that could hang on yours ornamentally, or maybe provide an alternate insight that makes you nod and say "Okay. The sun will shine on rapecats for another day." Or maybe I just made you chuckle. Which is what I like to do for people.


MENtalist has moved on with his life. This site merely remains as a sad reminder for him, a documented memory in print of his past mistakes. A tragedy of his youth, a journal of past addictions and misfortunes. A precursor of what might have been if his life hadn't taken a turn for the better.
Old fashioned things of the day are my favorite ones. Also, I would totally mind meld with you.