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thing of the day (thing+424)


I want to smell dark matter
not worth it you don't celebrate it's not achieveing anything living another year it's not something to be happy about standing at the window thinking i remember being hrere eight months ago but those eight monts are gone it's not good you shouldn't be happy about having lived you shouldn't be thinking it's good another year has disappeared what would actually would be good is if you paused time and dind't age anymore wha'ts the point in being happy about being older you're just closer to death the only thing w4e should be doing is stopping ourselves from aging why does nobdoy fucking see that why are we letting people die let's cure death lol but no i'm just saying imagine it's late last year right and you're really really depressed because you realise another year is nearly fucking over and you haven't done anything and you're just going to die and even if you do do something you'll still die imagine that but then you start to adjust and get over it with time so more and more time passes and you're not depressed now but then you realise it's nearly the same time of the year again and you remember yhou were upset about another year being over but now another year plus eleven months is over so logically that's even worse so how cna you not get depressed again it's literally impossible literally fucking impossible literally fucking impossible and then even if you somehow get over that sudper dperession that means you need time to get over it but time is the problem isn't it so how can you cure anything when time passes logically everything can only ever get worse until you die then you think well maybe death isn't so bad lol what the fuck how can death not be so bad you only exist because you're alive you can onlyh perceive the unvierse beuca syeouo're alive and therefore the universe only exists because you're alive without me there's nothing i don't give a fuck what happens to anyone else once i'me dead i don't giv ea fuck about anything outside of my head because from my point of view my head is the universe and i can only see things from my point of view because i'm me and not anyone else fo fuck's sake stop deluding yourself into thinking that theer's any kind of existence outside of your own head there fucking isn't your alive right now but that's it and you're barely even fucking alive right now your consciousness can be alerted so fucking easily am i even the sam eperson who started writing this fucking pathetic post who the fuck knows and why am i writing this anyone way any way anyway not anyone when it doesn't change anything how many fucking times can i repeat the smae thoughts spew spew spwe the definiont of insnaity yeah we all know that wacky ti's repating the same thing expecting different results but this is all i have i can't pause time i can't cure death and no one else gives a fuck so i might as well write this while we all fucking die together like nothing because we are nothing and you say some day you'll die like it's in the future but it's not you die on a day like this or it could be this day it could be right now time means nothing because death is certain death is all that's real durr you die in the present there's only the present when you were twenty nine years odler it was still the present it matters not that you're here now you don't unlock and achievement by not dying early you just go on utnily you do die and you don't evcen get to reveiw your life when you die you jus tsuddnely stop like nothing like you can do at any moment like going to sleep and everythign stored in your head is gone and there's no system in place to preserve it how fucking insane is that why aren't we storing brains to fix them later how the fuck are we letting the universe end like this by letting it die person by person it makes no fucking sense your'e all fucking insane i hate you all for killing me fuck you for it what do you thinks'g oing to happen that there's s epcial escape for you that somethign must come along to stop you dying and you won't even admit it on a message board but it's in yoru head and that's why your'e not like me because you hae a lie and i have lies upon lies but i know they're lies and yeah now this thing of the day is ending like everything ends hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah fuck fuck ufck ufk uk fuck fuck fuck fukc writing this change dnothing reading this changed nothing just going to die bye