I want to smell dark matter
without going into detials
i have mental conditions
but that's not really the point
because I'm still alive
I still think
even if my thinking isn't like evyeorn'e elsles
you live lives and you give it a meaning ande a story and it's all lies and you know this but you forget it
could die at any moment etc
it's not a sotyr
i've said all this so many times that even i hate it
maybe this thing of the day could focus on................
hatE ME
not this isn't convincing
bhut really o
so i'm alive like everyone
but yeah
normal people have normal relationsihops
i don't and never will
don't eve suggest i willb ecause no
i know
so yeah
that's funny
how I obsess over the feamle celebrities!
i 'll knever know a girl in real life
and it's not even just about wanking over them
(though I do wank over them!)
it's loneliness
it is
but then i feel bad because they're so normal and perfect
well some of them
some of them are probably actually not nice or perfect i don't know them
but i was watching an interview with one girl...
and wow
so perfect
and i literally started crying because i don't deserve to exist on the same planet as her and there's so much beauty in the world and i'll never know any of it because i'm a fucking me
but sometimes you have to feel sad to know you're still alive...
that's emo isn't it
that's what emos are
but i can't just wank
that's not enough
i'm not a machine designed only for wanking
you burn out your wanks
you want more
you want a connenction
you watch that beautiful young girl talking and you think wow she's perfect and i'm a fucking old disugsting thng
but really there are men who leave worse comments online i've seen them
but i guess they're not fraks like me
i guess they're motivated by their cocks
they don't see beauty?
they just want to fuck and punch
i'm not a man
tha'ts okay I guess
it's a shame i can't take the good parts of being not a man and combine them with the good parts of being a normal human but i don't have the good parts of being a normal human
really syaiNG "I don't deserve to exist" is facile
no one desrves or doesn't deserve to exist
you'r edfeined but your actions lol
no i don't know
i have no actions to define me
i'm an expermirment and what happens if you create a huam who through their brain is cut off completely from the rest of the humanity
yeah i must be
no that would give me meaning
a point
there is no point
we've established that
that's why I stba out at the world thorugh keyes
dan it
even when i was yougn i wan'st normal anyway so there' sno point in worrying about being old
is there
what ist he
ne4ed to reboot
without going into detials
i have mental conditions
but that's not really the point
because I'm still alive
I still think
even if my thinking isn't like evyeorn'e elsles
you live lives and you give it a meaning ande a story and it's all lies and you know this but you forget it
could die at any moment etc
it's not a sotyr
i've said all this so many times that even i hate it
maybe this thing of the day could focus on................
hatE ME
not this isn't convincing
bhut really o
so i'm alive like everyone
but yeah
normal people have normal relationsihops
i don't and never will
don't eve suggest i willb ecause no
i know
so yeah
that's funny
how I obsess over the feamle celebrities!
i 'll knever know a girl in real life
and it's not even just about wanking over them
(though I do wank over them!)
it's loneliness
it is
but then i feel bad because they're so normal and perfect
well some of them
some of them are probably actually not nice or perfect i don't know them
but i was watching an interview with one girl...
and wow
so perfect
and i literally started crying because i don't deserve to exist on the same planet as her and there's so much beauty in the world and i'll never know any of it because i'm a fucking me
but sometimes you have to feel sad to know you're still alive...
that's emo isn't it
that's what emos are
but i can't just wank
that's not enough
i'm not a machine designed only for wanking
you burn out your wanks
you want more
you want a connenction
you watch that beautiful young girl talking and you think wow she's perfect and i'm a fucking old disugsting thng
but really there are men who leave worse comments online i've seen them
but i guess they're not fraks like me
i guess they're motivated by their cocks
they don't see beauty?
they just want to fuck and punch
i'm not a man
tha'ts okay I guess
it's a shame i can't take the good parts of being not a man and combine them with the good parts of being a normal human but i don't have the good parts of being a normal human
really syaiNG "I don't deserve to exist" is facile
no one desrves or doesn't deserve to exist
you'r edfeined but your actions lol
no i don't know
i have no actions to define me
i'm an expermirment and what happens if you create a huam who through their brain is cut off completely from the rest of the humanity
yeah i must be
no that would give me meaning
a point
there is no point
we've established that
that's why I stba out at the world thorugh keyes
dan it
even when i was yougn i wan'st normal anyway so there' sno point in worrying about being old
is there
what ist he
ne4ed to reboot