I want to smell dark matter
he started at the top of his head he started ripping his disgusting greasy hair out but that wasn't enough
he felt the overwhelming desire to destroy himself utterly to end the mad thoughts
he briefly remember his life he remember being in school and girls laughing at him and boys laughing at him and teachers laughing at him
he ripped more hair but it wasn't enough
he remembered the time a girl told him to stop staring at her he hadn't even been staring for long
he dug his nails into the top of his head
he dug in with his hands until he was pushing right through his fucking worthless skull he could feel it how come it didn't hurt it wasn't pain it was a relief from pain
all his mad thoughts disappaered as he fucking ripped the top of his skull apart and through the bone aside and dug his fingers into his brain
he could feel his fingers move through his memories move through his fears and anxieties
he was using his fingers to delete his sense of self but it wasn't enough because the sense of self was still there he didn't want that he wasn't a person he was a fucking worthless joke of an animal a fucking autism-riddled monster of scum and shit...
he ripped his brain in two and through it in opposite directions
he couldn't remember who he was anymore and he liked it
he was just hands
he pulled his jaw apart he was still moving down
he was gliding down now right down the middle of his body
he was now ripping his testicles apart it didn't even hurt he almost remembered all the wanks he'd had he was pathetic he didn't deserve pleasure
his legs just toppled to the side there was nothing
he was hands
but he had to destroy them too
but how...
how could he destroy...
it had been a dream of course but he didn't know it yet
he was lying in bed blissfully unaware of who he was
he just felt a warm glow
finally he'd slayed the beast
destroyed himself
of course he hadn't really done any of it but maybe metaphorically he had, he realised it was a dream
his body was still there
but he was warm
he coudl be reborn
start anew...
but then his sense of identity started to return
he woke up in his own head
hi memories his peronsality
he'd suppreseed them somehow but choice, for longer than usual on waking
but it was comign back
there was no rebirth
no escape
he'd keep waking up here
he felt a tight pain in his chest
but where he felt it worst, where there was sweating and shaking and buzzing
was in his very hands themself
he started at the top of his head he started ripping his disgusting greasy hair out but that wasn't enough
he felt the overwhelming desire to destroy himself utterly to end the mad thoughts
he briefly remember his life he remember being in school and girls laughing at him and boys laughing at him and teachers laughing at him
he ripped more hair but it wasn't enough
he remembered the time a girl told him to stop staring at her he hadn't even been staring for long
he dug his nails into the top of his head
he dug in with his hands until he was pushing right through his fucking worthless skull he could feel it how come it didn't hurt it wasn't pain it was a relief from pain
all his mad thoughts disappaered as he fucking ripped the top of his skull apart and through the bone aside and dug his fingers into his brain
he could feel his fingers move through his memories move through his fears and anxieties
he was using his fingers to delete his sense of self but it wasn't enough because the sense of self was still there he didn't want that he wasn't a person he was a fucking worthless joke of an animal a fucking autism-riddled monster of scum and shit...
he ripped his brain in two and through it in opposite directions
he couldn't remember who he was anymore and he liked it
he was just hands
he pulled his jaw apart he was still moving down
he was gliding down now right down the middle of his body
he was now ripping his testicles apart it didn't even hurt he almost remembered all the wanks he'd had he was pathetic he didn't deserve pleasure
his legs just toppled to the side there was nothing
he was hands
but he had to destroy them too
but how...
how could he destroy...
it had been a dream of course but he didn't know it yet
he was lying in bed blissfully unaware of who he was
he just felt a warm glow
finally he'd slayed the beast
destroyed himself
of course he hadn't really done any of it but maybe metaphorically he had, he realised it was a dream
his body was still there
but he was warm
he coudl be reborn
start anew...
but then his sense of identity started to return
he woke up in his own head
hi memories his peronsality
he'd suppreseed them somehow but choice, for longer than usual on waking
but it was comign back
there was no rebirth
no escape
he'd keep waking up here
he felt a tight pain in his chest
but where he felt it worst, where there was sweating and shaking and buzzing
was in his very hands themself