Troll Kingdom

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thing of the day (thing+445)


I want to smell dark matter
itheadhurtethehurt lifeisjust amoemtmn


lifeis just a mometn

life is just moem






he lived in mud, he swam through mud

in the mud field

the people were just shapes in the distance, poorly defined, shadows on the wall

he had no way of knowing if they were real

he wiggled through the mud, he swam through the mud

he stayed under the mud most of the time

he could breathe under the mud, he was special

no he was a freak, an outcast, thrown from society to live in the mud field where he belonged

he ate the mud, he loved the mud, he hated the mud

it sustained him

the pink mud was for eating he'd learned that

it was a waste product from the shadow people

so they must be real after all

it was his for eating it went right through him

he had to make sure not to shit in the pink mud

he had a mud place for shitting his waste mud

that mud was not for eating

but he'd swim through it all the same he didn't really care

he used to care but now he was mud

he wiggled about on his belly he couldn't stand in the mud he barely remembered ever standing

he did remember being pushed down and hurt

he didn't want to remember that so he went deeped into the mud

he loved the mud it kept him safe

he rolled around in th mud

sometimes his man part would become engorged with bed if he moved through mud in a certain way

it was the harder mud that did it

not the hardest mud, that was too hard

and the soft mud and the normal mud did not offer enough resistence

but the harder mud felt good when his engorged man part moved through it

he had explosions in the harder mud

he liked the harder mud it made him feel warm

he though about the feel of the harder mud all the time even when he wasn't in it

he was obsessed with it

he loved the harder mud the most

one day he felt a great disturbance in the mud

it was another

like him

not one of the shadow people

but one liked him was in the mud

but when he finally saw it he recoiled in disgust

it was a girl him

she told him that was what she was

he barely remembered that the shadow people had had two types

this was a girl

she wanted to touch him so they could feel each other

it was hard to see in the mud and he wasn't going to get out of it

he told her know he felt sick thinking of her touching him

why was it so horrible?

she was not the harder mud

he only wanted the harder mud touching him

once they brushed against each other by accident, or so she claimed

he did not become engorged

he felt more sick then when he wold eat his waste mud by mistake

she was not real she was a fucking disgusting shadow

why was she in his mud

the mud was his world

the different types of mud were all there were

he liked how they felt

he KNEW how they felt

the harder mud felt the best

she was too hard and she wasn't mud

he did not want her near him

he remembered being pushed over and beaten

that was what she was

she was the same as the shadows who had done that

he'd never thought about a shadow girl or a girl him sexually

why would he?

he'd always known mud

he'd loved the harder mud before he'd understood what the explosions were

he told her to stay away from him

to stay in in her own mud

one day she brushed against him again

he felt rage

his man thing had been engorged by harder mud then she had touched it

maybe she had been watching

yes of course

she wanted his explosions in her

he hated her

she was not the harder mud

he decided he would hold her around the throat until she did die

he could put her in the shadow waste mud and she would decompse and he could eat her

he plotted and planned this

he swam through the harder mud screaming in joy at the explosions

he knew that she would come and she did

he knew the mud, he knew how to swim above her

he put his hands around her throat and squeezed

but she was stronger than him

she had not been in the mud as long as him so her body was not as degraed, he had not counted on that

she overpowered him and she was on top of him now

and still he was engorged by the harder mud

but now she was moving up and down on him and their bodies were interlocked now

he could not get away

she was moving up and down and she was not the harder mud

he did not like it or did he

there was harder mud in there

it was a mix of her and the harder mud

he liked it

he could not kill her

she had claimed him

he was hers

they swam together in the harder mud for a long time after that

they ever forgot to eat

he just kept exploding in her

eventually she grew larger and he knew his line would continue

a family in the mud

he started to cry

his tears mixed with the mud

he swam to her to show his joy

but found her gone

he felt panic

he need her now, even more than the harder mud

he stuck his head out of the mud

he saw her

she was a fish

she was being removed by shadow men

she was a huge fish

the shadow men were speaking

"it worked! the first mud man/fish monster hybrid will be born! domination of the mud and sea will be ours! death to all!"

he felt saddened at that

he went back to the mud

the mud was home

he fell asleep in the mud

he would die in the mud

would he even notice

would he become mud when he was gone?

that comforted him

he loved the mud