I want to smell dark matter
anger no
no anger
can't even get angry
can't even get anything
just frustrated
but not even proper frustration
everything is muted
so yeha
I'm fading away
just wanted to record that
while I still can
this me is dying
another me will take its place
a lesser me
a hollowed out husk of a me
so yeah
I knid of already am that me
there were so many mes before this me
better mes
smarter mes
mes with potentional
mes that could...
well maybe not potential
maybe they never could do anything
but they were better
I should have appreciated being those mes more at the time
those fucking mes!
but yeah
someday I'll look back at this me and think "wow I could still write thing of the day and remember things"
that's all I can do now by the way
write this shit and remember
but ti's somethinggs
see tmy brain is going now
words getting sloppeir sloouchier
head it sore too
sorry i looked away for aminute
part of me died
the me that dstarted this thread
already gonre
nothing left
anger no
no anger
can't even get angry
can't even get anything
just frustrated
but not even proper frustration
everything is muted
so yeha
I'm fading away
just wanted to record that
while I still can
this me is dying
another me will take its place
a lesser me
a hollowed out husk of a me
so yeah
I knid of already am that me
there were so many mes before this me
better mes
smarter mes
mes with potentional
mes that could...
well maybe not potential
maybe they never could do anything
but they were better
I should have appreciated being those mes more at the time
those fucking mes!
but yeah
someday I'll look back at this me and think "wow I could still write thing of the day and remember things"
that's all I can do now by the way
write this shit and remember
but ti's somethinggs
see tmy brain is going now
words getting sloppeir sloouchier
head it sore too
sorry i looked away for aminute
part of me died
the me that dstarted this thread
already gonre
nothing left