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thing of the day (thing+658)


I want to smell dark matter
"What are we going to do?" asked Madonna. "In my dream I was high on a mountain when the world burned..."

"Yes," said her robot lover. "We must find the invisible mountain of lore. Only that can protect you."

"The...what now?" she asked.

"It was once known to your people, but the knowledge is now lost," said the robot, sadly.

"How do you know if it then?" she asked.

"Because I first visited your planet five thousand years ago," said the robot, as if it was nothinng. "Now come, we must begin our search!"

"What about my children?" she asked. "My family?"

"They will burn," said the robot, with no emotion. "All will burn but you and the great adversary."

"Taylor Swift," said Madonna. "I can't believe it...she seems so nice."

"She took on a form that men would find sexually attractive and which women would think 'aww, she looks so nice' about," explained the robot. "Her song 'Shake It Off' was written in a moment when she felt guilt about the coming genocide. She decided to shake that guilt off."

"What a monster...but why is she doing this?"

"I will explain on the way! Let's go!" The robot took Madonna's hand and ran outside with her. It was the first time they'd left the house since the robot had come to Earth. They'd spent most of their time in bed or eating waffles. She wondered what the world would think of her robot. But she gasped when she looked at him. He looked like a normal human man now.

"What have you done to yourself?" she asked, almost disgusted by how he looked. He'd been so sleek before, so mechanical. Now he was ugly and fleshy.

"A hologram to disguise my true appearance," he said. "Don't worry, when you and I are all that are left in the world I can look like myself again. Now, we must find the mountain. As you are The Chosen One you should be able to sense it."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" she said. "An invisible mountain, that's...hang on. I can feel something!" She had a sense of it, like it had been there all along. She could feel the mountain, calling to her.

"Yes," said the robot. "Your eyes are opened now. After I told you the truth about reality, your true senses kicked in. Now you can take us to the mountain. At last I shall stand on it. With you. My sweet Madonna."

"But...shouldn't we warn people?" she asked. "If the fire is coming, if Taylor Swift is an evil lizard person...shouldn't we tell the world? Shouldn't we SAVE the world?"

"Nobody would believe you," said the robot. "If you tweeted about Taylor Swift being a lizard they'd think you're just a bitter, dried-out old hag, jealous that she's so much younger and so so so much more attractive than you. No, the world cannot be told."

"But you're a robot! You can convince them! Or can't more people come to the mountain?"

"NO," he said, firm. "It has to be this way. It was written in the ancient texts, and so it is true."

"Fine," she said. But she was secretly sending a text message to Michael Jackson as they spoke.