Things you can learn at the Junior Deputy Program


RIP 1970~2018
As some of you may know I have a soon-to-be-six yr old son. Two weeks ago I enrolled him in a Junior Deputy program conducted by the Sheriff's Dept. in my area.

The program is similar to some of the shit you see on tv - Lot's of military style yelling, drill and calisthenics, but with a heavy emphasis on the tools and techniques of law enforcement.

Yesterday was patrol car and bomb squad day. As you may have already guessed yours truly brought back some info for you my friends and lovers.

Police cars have ballistic panels in the front doors. The doors are 34-40 lbs. heavier than average car doors. So you may wish to recall this information the next time you're trying to blast a cop hiding behind the open door of his squad car.

Interesting but not too surprising. However, you know how every once in a while someone say some shit to you that you just never could have anticipated?
Check this out -

After the bomb tech showed the kids his $80k robot, he donned a full on bomb suit like straight out of Hurt Locker. Helmet and all. Except for one thing - Gloves. He preceded to explain how gloves might interfere with the fine motor movements that might be necessary if he had to defuse a device with small parts or wires. Again, makes sense. Then he said this -

Bomb tech in suit: "So kids, I'm right handed. Which hand do you think I defuse bombs with?"

Kids in unison: "YOUR RIGHT HAND SIR!"

Bomb tech: "Wrong. If I were to lose my hand in an explosion, I still want to be able to eat cereal (makes an eating cereal gesture)."

The shit people in bomb suits say.