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Thinking of buying all the VOY dvds

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I'm nostalgic for mediocre Trek. :(

I never did see every episode. It aired nightly on a local Philly station, they showed seasons 1-3 in sequence, then started jumping around. Feckers.
I have the DS9 DVDs, I still watch them.

I catch VOY episodes on Spike at 3AM. it's nice to see them now, although many of them still do suck somewhat. But the show definitely had its own way about it.
It's strange, because in a way it did start going downhill after season 3, but the show was already going downhill in other ways at that point.

Bringing in Seven of Catsuit at least gave the show more interesting possibilities. Also, Janeway getting rid of her Bun of Steel was a plus. I equate the Bun with the uglier S1-S2 uniforms and beardless Riker on TNG. It needed correcting from day one.
Well some things that were wrong from day one were not only ignored, but were allowed to get worse, like CHAKOTAY and NEELIX and MAQUIS THAT INSTANTLY FELL IN LINE and HOLOGRAM RIGHTS and PANTY-SNIFFING BRAGA.
What was wrong with the bun?

Yeah the 7 of 9 thing had possibilities, but the show went downhill anyway. They really should not have done all the stuff with the borg that they did.
I thought Garrett Wang was a hottie at first because he was Asian. Actually he didn't get close to hot until a couple of years after the show ended and he grew his hair long.