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Lord Raffles

New member

Doomworld is a site that hosts Total Conversions for the classic game Doom. <---- THIS is WOLFENDOOM


Wolfendoom is a Total Conversion for Doom2, hosted by Doomworld. To quote it's creator, LAZ ROJAS:

I have ported the Wolfenstein missions to DOOM II, creating what is essentially an improved and updated Wolfenstein. Each scenario is painstakingly recreated as a DOOM II WAD, complete with all the Wolfenstein textures, objects, sounds, and enemies. The result is a total conversion, a complete Wolfenstein experience which takes full advantage of the DOOM engine. There are even ambient sounds.


So far, so good; Doomworld is a site that hosts Total Conversions for the Game Doom, Wolfendoom is one of those Total Conversions and it was created by a man named Laz Rojas.

Let us now draw our attention to another link. <---- THIS is the website of LAZ ROJAS


This is Laz Rojas.

My name is Laz Rojas, and I'm a 43 year old actor/writer/filmmaker
currently residing in Miami, Florida. I'm also an artist/cartoonist.
I'm currently seeking employment and/or representation in any of these
fields, so if you'd like to learn more about my abilities and see examples
of my work, please click on any of the buttons below.

Let's explore the site. <--- LAZ THE ACTOR

Below are vidcaps and promo images from a one-man demo tape in which
I portray 102 different characters in 52 scenes from my screenplays. The
purpose of this demo is to display my abilities as an actor, writer, director,
and editor. Copies of this tape (VHS) are available upon request.


You'll notice from the site that Laz, as an actor, enjoys portraying a woman. You will also notice that exactly half of the characters he portrays on that site are women - don't believe me? Count them. Now if this guy was an actor, don't you think he'd have a CV SOMEWHERE on his site, with previous work in the theatre? Perhaps where he was schooled? Maybe even a hint of some understudying he did as a youth? NOTHING. I've looked all around the site, the only thing he has to offer is a VHS tape (Not even DVD) of himself portraying an array of different characters, half of whom are female. And when we say female, we must take into careful consideration the time and effort Mr. Rojas placed towards making himself look feminine; the chap simply doesn't put a wig on, he goes the full hog; he even shaves his legs:




First, let me say that I am 35 years old, male, and as masculine and heterosexual as a male can be. I say this not to brag, but to combat the ridiculous notion that a man must be effeminate, or even homosexual, to cry at a movie, especially a romantic movie; that real men like only action films; and that "Titanic", because of its romance, is a "chick flick". These ideas are absolutely absurd! There is plenty in "Titanic" for anyone, male or female, to cry about: the folly of man's arrogance; the waste of life; the courage of some and the callousness of others; the knowledge this was a real event that happened to real people. But the most powerful and emotional aspect of the film, its centerpiece, is the romance between its two main protagonists Jack and Rose. This romance, and the two characters caught up in it, serve to show in microcosm the best dreams and hopes of humanity, and how such dreams and hopes cannot be destroyed by even the worst of tragedies.


John Lennon never looked so gay.​