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This is Truly UnGodly


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I REALLY hope someone helps this guy...seriously :(

Chain Man needs Handout

Astonished medics are trying to save the hands of tormented Zhang Chuanqiu who was chained so tightly in an illegal prison that his flesh grew over his shackles.

Zhang, 27, had been chained to a cowshed in Hunan, southern China, in 2005 after falling out with village officials over a loan to build his house.

But his chains had been so agonisingly tight that Zhang's own flesh began to absorb them.

"The only person who did not give up on me was my mother who waited for her time and rescued me," he explained.

Now Zhang is trying to raise the 1,000 GBP surgeons have told him he needs for an operation to remove the chains and save his hands from further infection.

"They cause me a lot of pain. They are always inflamed and ooze pus all the time. But we have no money so I have to rely on charity or the good heart of a hospital or doctor to save my hands," he said.

Exactly. You sharpen the edge of a shovel and you take it to the sides of their fuckin' necks. You don't fuck around with 'em.
Well, he ain't chained to the cowshed now. He could beat 'em to death with his arm-chains. He'd be like a cross between Wolverine and Bruce Lee, and shit.
well, if he manged to alert the international press to his problem, shouldn't he be able to also alert the authorities to his problem (propaby with the help of a little pressure by said press)? The guys who illegally held him imprisoned must be made to pay for his surgery. And the newspaper guys who earned a lot by publishing his story could also easily come up with a few hundred dollars
It's like those guys who cover famines in Africa, take pictures, and don't give the poor kid they just snapped starving to death a Sandwich!!!
Now Zhang is trying to raise the 1,000 GBP surgeons have told him he needs for an operation to remove the chains and save his hands from further infection.
1,000 GBP? I call bullshit. Why isn't this being reported in Euros, as this is an Austrian news agency, or even in the Chinese currency, as the story makes no mention of this man leaving China?
1,000 GBP? I call bullshit. Why isn't this being reported in Euros, as this is an Austrian news agency, or even in the Chinese currency, as the story makes no mention of this man leaving China?

Maybe they are trying to fly in European specialist to assist!

Either way, I doubt if that guy will ever regain full use of that hand again! :eek:

would be difficult but not completely impossible. Depends on what the wound looks like on the inside. I'd need a CT to take an educated guess.
Judging solely by the picture, I'd estimate that he will regain use of his fingers (though possibly not full strength in thumb and forefinger). Whether he will be able to bend and rotate the wrist again depends on the bone damage. In the worst case it'll remain stiff.
It's. A. Photoshop.

You've. All. Been. Pwnt.

and by an SG thread no less.

Excellent work, starguard.
