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This is what happens whey you tell a 2-year-old to smile!

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know

And he's not even 2 yet! What am I in for? ;) :lol:
Right now, his favorite word is "No-no-no-no-no". But he says it in such a sweet way, almost like he's saying, "No, Daddy, don't be ridiculous, why would I want to pick up my toys?" :lol: His other favorite new word? "WOW" as shown here:

All in all, he's a very sweet boy. :)
My sister is going through the same thing right now, BDM. So I feel for ya. <wg>

He is a cutie, though.
Seeing that pouty look on his face brings back memories. He's a cutie. Enjoy him while you can because sooner than you can think possible, he'll turn into a pouty teenager.
Hehe, clearly that pout is telling you that he is Not Getting What He Wants, and that makes you a rotten, no good, terrible daddy!

Though telling a kid he's cute when he pouts is a lot like telling a woman she's cute when she's mad. Not the effect either one wants to have. :lol: