This is why I am on the fence about the death penalty


Expecting me to link some artical about an innocent man released from death row, or only found innocent after being executed? Wrong. Those are the reasons I don't support the death penalty. The reason I am on the fence follows:

Betty Blair, 77, was strangled to death inside her Pasadena home Friday and her bound body was discovered by her daughter Friday evening, said Pasadena Police spokesman Vance Mitchell.

Three suspects -- all described as hurricane evacuees -- were arrested Friday evening after police located the dead woman's missing car through its OnStar electronic tracking system, Mitchell said.

The three had been hired by Blair to do odds jobs around her home, including cutting her grass, Mitchell said.

"Unfortunately, it looks like her good will cost her her life," Mitchell

They met Blair when they sought help from St. Pius V Catholic Church in Pasadena, where she volunteered in the church's food pantry.

Blair was described as a highly respected woman whose husband, a former Pasadena school board president, died several months ago. said.

Killing a defenseless person who reaches out to help you, is the most morally despicable act I can think of.

The Question

Fuck the fence, show those worthless sons of bitches the needle.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
In the eye, preferably.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Ahhhh cupcakeers, they ruin everything for the fine black folk.


New Member
In my opinion, you kill someone. You deserve to die. You molest a two year old child, you die. There are certain offenses that deserve death. None of this let's keep them in jail for the rest of their life and let the peoples taxes pay for them. You do something terrible like said crimes, you're dead.

The Question

It would also be nice if we could maximize the deterrent effect of the death penalty by broadcasting it, with some truly mean sumbitch hosting the broadcast. Like Christopher Walken -- or Ben Stein. Now there's a real mean motherfucker, right there. Nobody messes with Ben Stein.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Yeah, that's really the problem. Criminals would be way more scared of the death penalty if it were truly gruesome and broadcast on national television...Or at the very least Pay-Per-View. The death penalty might also be scarier if criminals weren't positive they'd die of natural causes at the ripe old age of 80 or 90 waiting for the appeals process to run its course.


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
None of this let's keep them in jail for the rest of their life and let the peoples taxes pay for them.

It costs more to execute someone than it does to keep them in jail for the rest of their lives.


New Member
I'd rather have my tax money going to them dying...but hey that's just my thing.


Screw Ben Stein, I want Gallagher. I say we put the cameras in the court room and as soon as the death penalty is read Gallagher steps forward with a mallet and *pow* bad buy brains all over the first row (who would, of course, be equiped with plastic sheets).


The Question

Aw, what do they need plastic sheets for? Give 'em baskets of tortilla chips and little paper cups to catch the stuff in -- good for dippin'. :twisted:

The Question

WordInterrupted said:
It costs more to execute someone than it does to keep them in jail for the rest of their lives.

According to what source?


beer, I want beer
The Question said:
According to what source?

That's when you let them have appeal after appeal. We'd need to eliminate that part of the process.


Troll Kingdom Ambassador
That's when you let them have appeal after appeal. We'd need to eliminate that part of the process.

That's the part of the process that makes the execution of innocent people less likely. Even with appeals, many death row convictions are based on circumstantial evidence; there's no way to be certain that the defendant is guilty. The possibility of executing an innocent person alone should be enough to make the death penalty unacceptable.


New Member
I'm pro-death penalty. If you kill one of mine, you're dead. Whether you get the chair, or I take it into my own hands.


Boobie inspector
Number_6 said:
That's when you let them have appeal after appeal. We'd need to eliminate that part of the process.

Simple, you exectute them at the end of the trial, let them have the appeal after they are dead.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
WordInterrupted said:
Yes, vengence is what it almost always comes down to.

So what? Why is vengeance unacceptable?

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Hey, it worked for the Bible!


I think what with all the angry, appeal-free vengeancing that you'd need to allow for a few mistakes here and there, i.e executing people for crimes they didn't commit. The system ain't exactly flawless. So what we need is a number of gimmes that everyone can agree on, whether it's one or four or fifteen "oopsie" executions. You couldn't run a free-reign execution system without breaking a few eggs!