This just in


An Israeli woman and her 5 year old grandson where killed by Jehadist rocket fire. In other news Beirut has been bombed into oblivion with no apparent casualties.
I don't understand, Hambil. If Israel is the only belligerent in the conflict, why did the Jihadists have missiles armed and ready to go? One might almost believe they wanted this war. But oops, that would go against the mantra that everything is always Israel's fault, so scratch that.

They Asked for It
By R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
Published 7/20/2006 12:08:25 AM

WASHINGTON -- To the grizzled and disheveled stalwarts of Hezbollah and Hamas, may I say you did it to yourselves. Kapow! As another Israeli bomb lands nearby, as a shell whizzes overhead, may I remind you that you are hunkering down either on Gaza or on Lebanese soil that was evacuated by the Israelis so that you could live in peace. And what did you donkeys do? You tunneled under the Israeli borders to infiltrate Israel and kill innocent civilians. You established an infrastructure of missiles to rain down destruction on Israeli cities that were at peace, providing security and prosperity for both Jews and Arabs. You captured Israeli soldiers in an unprovoked attack. Kapow! You are getting just what you deserve.

Moreover the terrorists of Hezbollah and Hamas have revealed to any sensible observer that they have no interest in peace with Israel or with the West, for that matter. Needless to say, they have no interest in a peaceful Gaza or Lebanon. The same bellicosity afflicts the allies of these terrorists in Syria and Iran. The brutes in these governments are pitiless and belligerent tyrants. Listening to their sophistries about their need for nuclear power or their desire for a peaceful world puts me in mind of all the irenic poetry of the late Herr Hitler back when things were good for him in the middle 1930s. It all ended badly -- for everyone. When in May 1940 Winston Churchill became prime minister, he thought himself a failure. He recognized that all his admonitions s against the Nazis in the previous decade had proved futile. Now only world war would bring peace.
(end excerpt)
I think they are all equally to blame. What I am poking fun at here is the one sided way our press is reporting casualties.
And what would be proportionate? If the Israelis had done nothing when Hezbollah conducted that raid and kidnapped two soldiers, what would the media reaction be today? No one would even care.
Sure they would. They'd report that two soldiers had been captured. They would not, on the other hand, report this fact as though it in any way justified what is shaping up to be an Israeli democide.
The Question wrote:

They would not, on the other hand, report this fact as though it in any way justified what is shaping up to be an Israeli democide.

Not so fast, we have some actual reporting going on here. Check out this stunning story:

Arabs Press Syria to Help End Violence
With Israel and the United States saying a real cease-fire is not possible until Hezbollah is reined in, Arab heavyweights Egypt and Saudi Arabia were pushing Syria to end its support for the guerrillas, Arab diplomats in Cairo said.

Now Question, how could this be? I thought it was just evil Israel killing civilians, yet here we are told Syria is supporting Hezbollah. Guess you should tell the AP that they're not following the "democide" talking points you believe in, heh.

The interesting thing about both sides being guilty... it doesn't suddenly make either side innocent. If Syria is also responsible for hostilities, that doesn't suddenly absolve Israel of its culpability.
It seems I wasn't the only one shocked by this specific AP story. Always nice to be ahead of the curve. Here's

Media Shocker: Israel Isn’t Exclusively Responsible For Mideast Hostilities
Posted by Noel Sheppard on July 23, 2006 - 22:17.
Honestly, NBers, this one took several reads to believe. In fact, I’ve checked the link numerous times, as well as multiple media websites, and this really was reported by the Associated Press: “Mideast diplomats were pressing Syria to stop backing Hezbollah as the guerrillas fired more deadly rockets onto Israel's third-largest city Sunday.”

Now, I know what you’re thinking: this was buried deeeeep inside the article. Nope. This was actually the first sentence of a wire piece entitled “Arabs Press Syria to End Hezbollah Support.”

Shocking? Certainly. However, the best was yet to come:

Israel faced tougher-than-expected ground battles and bombarded targets in southern Lebanon, hitting a convoy of refugees.

Israel's defense minister said his country would accept an international force, preferably NATO, on its border after it drives back or weakens Hezbollah. But his troops described the militants they encountered as a smart, well-organized and ruthless guerrilla force whose fighters do not seem afraid to die.

A “well-organized and ruthless guerrilla force?” Aren’t these all innocent civilians that did nothing to warrant this brutal attack?
A “well-organized and ruthless guerrilla force?” Aren’t these all innocent civilians that did nothing to warrant this brutal attack?

Innocent civilians? Isn't everyone in Lebanon a member of a well-organized and ruthless guerrila force?

"All A"/"All B" is known as a False Dilemma, Noel. Why'ntcha take your fingers away from the keyboard, slam down a tall, frosty mug of Grow The Fuck Up and come back to us when it's had a chance to hit your system.
Well let's look at Vietnam, Question. Were the majority of South Vietnamese villagers pro-Viet Cong? Of course not. But the Marines would only sweep through villages promising aid and protection maybe once a month. Every night the Viet Cong returned, executing any village leaders who were said to be pro-American. The villagers were terrorized into supporting the Viet Cong, and the Marines thereby became embittered towards villages whose inhabitants would count their numbers as they passed, a count that would be used for a Viet Cong ambush shortly thereafter. Thus we got some soldiers who embraced a "Kill 'em All" attitude, thereby destroying the village "in order to save it".

You don't think there's a teensy possibility of the same guerrilla tactics being practiced by the Hezbollah in Lebanon? Forget theory, this is the real world.

Ogami said:
Well let's look at Vietnam, Question. Were the majority of South Vietnamese villagers pro-Viet Cong? Of course not. But the Marines would only sweep through villages promising aid and protection maybe once a month. Every night the Viet Cong returned, executing any village leaders who were said to be pro-American. The villagers were terrorized into supporting the Viet Cong, and the Marines thereby became embittered towards villages whose inhabitants would count their numbers as they passed, a count that would be used for a Viet Cong ambush shortly thereafter. Thus we got some soldiers who embraced a "Kill 'em All" attitude, thereby destroying the village "in order to save it".

You don't think there's a teensy possibility of the same guerrilla tactics being practiced by the Hezbollah in Lebanon? Forget theory, this is the real world.


Oh, I'm sure there is a possibility of a similar dynamic here. I'm also sure that it doesn't much matter.

My Thai was a war crime, and so is the bombing of Beirut.
Of course My Lai was a war crime. Yet why don't you care about the hundreds of My Lais committed by the Communists?

Because the Communists were "The Bad Guys." We were supposed to be better than them. Same here -- Israel are supposedly 'The Good Guys" in this fight -- but the only difference between them and the "Bad Guys" is the kind of military hardware they're using. That's it. That's the only difference.
Let me put it the same way I put it over on WordForge...

Israel vs. Hamas & Hezbollah isn't America vs. the Nazis.

It's the Nazis vs. the Nazis.

It ain't a case of heroes on one side, villains on the other -- it's villains, all the way around. Naturally, I'm gonna have a bigger problem with the villains we're giving more money to.
The Question wrote:

Because the Communists were "The Bad Guys." We were supposed to be better than them. Same here --

So losing keeps the moral high ground? I can see with your generalship that Israel would have been rushed by General Nasser and his allies fifty years ago. And who would be left to pat themselves on the back on their superior morality?
Ogami said:
The Question wrote:

Because the Communists were "The Bad Guys." We were supposed to be better than them. Same here --

So losing keeps the moral high ground?

Only losers insist that you have to cheat to win.

I can see with your generalship that Israel would have been rushed by General Nasser and his allies fifty years ago. And who would be left to pat themselves on the back on their superior morality?

Actually, Israel would never have been rushed by Gen. Nasser or anybody 50 years ago if they hadn't committed an act of terrorism themselves against the British -- the bombing of the King David Hotel. An act of terrorism which, by the way, they celebrated last week at the same time as they claim to be fighting terrorism.

You talk about the Pallies and the Lebanese having brought Israel's aggression on themselves, well... Israel were the terrorists in the beginning. They brought terrorism on themselves.