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beer, I want beer
I have reviewed this thread out of curiousity, expecting to see some more new fairy tales and further attempts to troll this board. I am happy to say THUG_BITCH did not disappoint!

Thug had a girlfriend in college (before he flunked out)

Now here we have an idiot who is willing to admit he has no brains. Perhaps I should not comment on this statement of his since I would be pointing out the obvious. What I do question are two things about that statement of his. One. He claims to have had a girlfriend. Two. He attended college. The man spends all of his time claiming he is a 'thug'. When was the last time anyone saw a 'thug' get into college? Thugs are dumber than logs AND they believe education is 'uncool'. How did Mr. Thug maintain the requisite marks that would have gotten him into a college when he was out there thugging his way through life, knocking up bitches here and there whilst not working? As for his claim to have a girlfriend, what bitch would be dumb enough to date any male that admittedly (bullshit) beats up on women? How many people in here have seen he beat up this bitch or he beat up that bitch. If all of that is true, how is it he is still out there and not in a jail? I know a guy who beat up his bitch and ended up with a 1 1/2 year sentence. Yet Mr. Thug over there is sitting in front of his mommy's computer jerking off. Why is he not behind bars?

This bitch was hot, but she was violent as fuck. She not only had a habit of hitting when she was angry -- she was a spoiled brat from a well-to-do family where her mom was a doctor and her dad was a chemical engineer of some sort.

Another lie. If she was violent as fuck yet Mr. Thug had problems in the past with women who 'stalk' him as he claims, would he not have learned his lesson and avoided this bitch? Apparently he continues to claim he does not like bitches who 'talk back'. This one not only talks back, but fights back. This would undoubtedly pose a problem for Mr. Macho. Then there is the 'spoiled brat' part where her mother is a doctor and the father was a chemical engineer. That is probably a combined incomed of over $250,000 per annum. Do people honestly believe a couple with that kind of cash flow is going to allow their daughter anywhere near a piece of NIGSPIC shit like that? The professions of her parents proves the bitch is in fact WHITE. There is no way a wealthy couple like this would allow any pig like him near their daughter. He may talk tough and say 'what would they do about it? I would slap the fuckers down as Thug is wont to do bitch!' to which I would respond that they have something more powerful than his mouth. CASH. If the girl's parents wanted him out of the way, it could be done on the 'downlow'. THUG would be in a hospital having had the shit kicked out of him. That is what I would do were I in possession of such cash and a dumb nothing NIGSPIC like THUG was anywhere within 20 KM of my daughter.

She broke his roommate's clock radio, throwing it against the wall. Told that bitch to step, you know she literally laid down in front of the door so Thug couldnt open it to toss her out. In order to do so, Thug had to grab her and she was resisting which caused bruising on her arms.

He does not know how to telephone the police himself??? He was dumb enough to touch an angry female? Shit. When that happens to me, I simply walk away from the bitch.

Thug Angel NEVER hit that bitch.

Uh, yes you did. 'Thug had to grab her and she was resisting which caused bruising on her arms.' That's assault dear child no matter how you claim it happened.

Well, if Thug did handle that bitch, she'd end up in the hospital.

I would bet 1,000,000-1 he would never say the same thing to a GUY. Ooooh he is so tough when he talks of beating up females! Turns me on! Ever notice how he only talks about beating upon females but never males?? Are we missing something here??

she keyed his brand new car and then punched Thuggie in the grill. For that she got her ass kicked. And Thug caught a case and it was all Thug Angel's fault, according to the magistrate, who happened to be what? A bitch.

Oooh! What a manly man!! He beat the shit out of a weakling little girl!! Now I bet he wants to stroke my man meat!!! Ooooyyaaaa! I like the part about his having a brand-new car. How does one afford college, an apartment, nights out on the town AND a brand-new car? Remember, the bitch is from a wealthy family so she would expect pricey gifts from him. Was THUG an CEO during this time in 'college'? If he had said 'car' I would think perhaps mommy and daddy bought him a hunk of junk although I doubt they could afford it. But a brand-new car? I do not recall ONE student in my university ever owning a brand-new car. Not at one and they were from far wealthier families than his AND they all had jobs (how the fuck do you think they paid for their college?)

That's bullshit.

You are right. Your story IS bullshit. Of that I have absolutely no doubt.

By the way THUGGIE, did you check to see if this bitch of yours was really a bitch or did you err again and discover the reason she always 'hit' you is because it was in fact a MALE? Are you hiding this fact from us? Is this why you did not telephone the police? For fear you would be embarrassed at having been caught with a transsexual? Hopefully you felt him/her up first. I bet from this day forward THUGGIE gropes every 'bitch' that comes near him. They are all going to think he is some sick pervert the way he will be grabbing everyone's crotch to check their true sex. What will he do when he runs into a SHE-MALE?

SaintLucifer said:
I have reviewed this thread out of curiousity, expecting to see some more new fairy tales and further attempts to troll this board. I am happy to say THUG_BITCH did not disappoint!

Now here we have an idiot who is willing to admit he has no brains. Perhaps I should not comment on this statement of his since I would be pointing out the obvious. What I do question are two things about that statement of his. One. He claims to have had a girlfriend. Two. He attended college. The man spends all of his time claiming he is a 'thug'. When was the last time anyone saw a 'thug' get into college? Thugs are dumber than logs AND they believe education is 'uncool'. How did Mr. Thug maintain the requisite marks that would have gotten him into a college when he was out there thugging his way through life, knocking up bitches here and there whilst not working? As for his claim to have a girlfriend, what bitch would be dumb enough to date any male that admittedly (bullshit) beats up on women? How many people in here have seen he beat up this bitch or he beat up that bitch. If all of that is true, how is it he is still out there and not in a jail? I know a guy who beat up his bitch and ended up with a 1 1/2 year sentence. Yet Mr. Thug over there is sitting in front of his mommy's computer jerking off. Why is he not behind bars?

This bitch was hot, but she was violent as fuck. She not only had a habit of hitting when she was angry -- she was a spoiled brat from a well-to-do family where her mom was a doctor and her dad was a chemical engineer of some sort.

Another lie. If she was violent as fuck yet Mr. Thug had problems in the past with women who 'stalk' him as he claims, would he not have learned his lesson and avoided this bitch? Apparently he continues to claim he does not like bitches who 'talk back'. This one not only talks back, but fights back. This would undoubtedly pose a problem for Mr. Macho. Then there is the 'spoiled brat' part where her mother is a doctor and the father was a chemical engineer. That is probably a combined incomed of over $250,000 per annum. Do people honestly believe a couple with that kind of cash flow is going to allow their daughter anywhere near a piece of NIGSPIC shit like that? The professions of her parents proves the bitch is in fact WHITE. There is no way a wealthy couple like this would allow any pig like him near their daughter. He may talk tough and say 'what would they do about it? I would slap the fuckers down as Thug is wont to do bitch!' to which I would respond that they have something more powerful than his mouth. CASH. If the girl's parents wanted him out of the way, it could be done on the 'downlow'. THUG would be in a hospital having had the shit kicked out of him. That is what I would do were I in possession of such cash and a dumb nothing NIGSPIC like THUG was anywhere within 20 KM of my daughter.

He does not know how to telephone the police himself??? He was dumb enough to touch an angry female? Shit. When that happens to me, I simply walk away from the bitch.

Uh, yes you did. 'Thug had to grab her and she was resisting which caused bruising on her arms.' That's assault dear child no matter how you claim it happened.

I would bet 1,000,000-1 he would never say the same thing to a GUY. Ooooh he is so tough when he talks of beating up females! Turns me on! Ever notice how he only talks about beating upon females but never males?? Are we missing something here??

Oooh! What a manly man!! He beat the shit out of a weakling little girl!! Now I bet he wants to stroke my man meat!!! Ooooyyaaaa! I like the part about his having a brand-new car. How does one afford college, an apartment, nights out on the town AND a brand-new car? Remember, the bitch is from a wealthy family so she would expect pricey gifts from him. Was THUG an CEO during this time in 'college'? If he had said 'car' I would think perhaps mommy and daddy bought him a hunk of junk although I doubt they could afford it. But a brand-new car? I do not recall ONE student in my university ever owning a brand-new car. Not at one and they were from far wealthier families than his AND they all had jobs (how the fuck do you think they paid for their college?)

You are right. Your story IS bullshit. Of that I have absolutely no doubt.

By the way THUGGIE, did you check to see if this bitch of yours was really a bitch or did you err again and discover the reason she always 'hit' you is because it was in fact a MALE? Are you hiding this fact from us? Is this why you did not telephone the police? For fear you would be embarrassed at having been caught with a transsexual? Hopefully you felt him/her up first. I bet from this day forward THUGGIE gropes every 'bitch' that comes near him. They are all going to think he is some sick pervert the way he will be grabbing everyone's crotch to check their true sex. What will he do when he runs into a SHE-MALE?
SaintLucifer said:
Now here we have an idiot who is willing to admit he has no brains.

Yes. It sounds like we may well have another Canadian scholar on our hands.
Sarek said:
Yes. It sounds like we may well have another Canadian scholar on our hands.

There is another Canadian on this site?? I could have sworn I was the lone Canadian. No matter.

Yes. 'Scholar'. I knew you were intimidated by my obviously superior intellect.
Would someone please tell me I still have not removed MESSEDUP from my IGNORE list and I never shall. He can spam all he wants. Every time he does this. Continues to post even after I have told him I placed him on my iggy list. What is it he does not understand??
Thuggie the Tranny Lover said:
Your boy Thuggie went to this "alternative" club last night w/some peeps. Thought it was about the type of music that was played but there were a lot of freaks there. The section of town it's in is pretty . Almost crushed on a few faggots there who were giving us the eye but since your boy got charges pending as it is he had to stay legit. But one of the prettiest girls in the place was all on a Thug's dick. We went and sat on the couches in the back of the lounge and got cozy, she was stroking your boy's dick and he started feeling the bitch up and she had a dick too. Yep thats right, she was a chick w/a dick. The fucked up part was that she was pretty as fuck. A petite Asian girl. Thug is convinced Asian men make for good bitches. It was a tough spot. You've got a rock hard dick and a cute chick who turns out to be a dude. So Thug Luv, being that he isn't a faggot, let this perv give him a nice hand job and he squeezed out a thick load but no sex. Sorry to disappoint you queers, but Thug Immortal isn't a faggot. He has some morals unlike you nasty caves