Troll Kingdom

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I would bet any money NO ONE has even clicked upon the link below because they fear it is another script link (not a fucking virus you morons - never has been a virus and never will be). The script was basically addressed to one LILITH although I doubt she has the 'balls' to click on it. Fear is a wonderful tool. *ROTFLMAO*

Cranky Bastard said:
Why would I care to see some coyote-chick get insulted? There's enough ugly bitches in this world.

You clicked the link didn't you? Don't fuck with me. I know you did. Your computer working alright now?? *ROTFLMAO*
Cranky Bastard said:
No, I didn't. I don't even click the links my MOTHER sends me.

Oh come now. Do not lie. How long did it take you to fix your computer? I am curious. Seems to me like you fixed it faster than most of the other MORONS who clicked on it. I notice a few names missing. *ROTFLMAO*