Thus Spake Lord Kookoo

Lord Kookoo

New Member

1.Let it be known that for now on Canada shall be reffered to as Penguinland. And the people there are to be known as Waddlers.

2. Allah is in truth a cyclopian hermaphodite sheikh that has anal sex with Yahweh.

3. Lord Kookoo's word is Law.

4. All sand cupcakeers must say "Wallah Wallah on my mother's eyes" or "Allah, Muhammad, Jihad" before every sentence.

5. They also must only smoke Camels and drink oil

6. All must confess "Lord Kookoo is God, and Barney the Dinosaur is his Prophet"

7. Burn all the churches down and bow to Lord Kookoo

8. All women must come to my place and breastfeed me and take care of me, for all eternity.

9. Pampers must be made in my size

10. A personal audience with Barney

11. Messenger must confess "Winnie the Pooh is God, and Lord Kookoo is His messenger"


New Member
Lord Kookoo said:
8. All women must come to my place and breastfeed me and take care of me, for all eternity.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Lord Kookoo said:

8. All women must come to my place and breastfeed me and take care of me, for all eternity.

Here they come! And it's all the best that SaintLuci's family tree has to offer! :shock:



beer, I want beer
Sarek said:
Here they come! And it's all the best that SaintLuci's family tree has to offer! :shock:


Ah yes, that is my family. Much like that fat fuck one posted ages ago was my personal picture. Lovely. Please post more.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
SaintLucifer said:
Ah yes, that is my family. Much like that fat fuck one posted ages ago was my personal picture. Lovely. Please post more.

Look you fat fuck, go back to ignoring me so I don't have to make you look like an idiot again. Not that it would take any effort.


beer, I want beer
Sarek said:
Look you fat fuck, go back to ignoring me so I don't have to make you look like an idiot again. Not that it would take any effort.

You know why I ignored you and please refrain from lying. I did so because you followed me to every single thread AND you responded to every single post I have ever made. This leads me to believe you are a faggot who has decided I am of interest to you. Even the others began to question your antics. I recall them all responding to your posts and asking 'he is right, you do keep following him everywhere. What we want to know is why'. You were so shamed that time you started to resist following me until you felt it was safe enough to continue with your gay antics. For one who claims I PMed you, the odd thing is EVERYONE who has ever PMed me complains I never respond. Rather foolish this is making you look and you know it. Strange that it does not seem to bother you.????????????


New Member
SaintLucifer said:
You know why I ignored you and please refrain from lying. I did so because you followed me to every single thread AND you responded to every single post I have ever made. This leads me to believe you are a faggot who has decided I am of interest to you. Even the others began to question your antics. I recall them all responding to your posts and asking 'he is right, you do keep following him everywhere. What we want to know is why'. You were so shamed that time you started to resist following me until you felt it was safe enough to continue with your gay antics. For one who claims I PMed you, the odd thing is EVERYONE who has ever PMed me complains I never respond. Rather foolish this is making you look and you know it. Strange that it does not seem to bother you.????????????


Vuhlkansu Wihs
SaintLucifer said:
You know why I ignored you and please refrain from lying.

Well, you didn't ignore so it must be you who's lying. Again.

SaintLucifer said:
I did so because you followed me to every single thread AND you responded to every single post I have ever made.

It's a message board moron. That's what you do on a message board. You respond to posts that people make.

SaintLucifer said:
This leads me to believe you are a faggot who has decided I am of interest to you.

You think everyone is a faggot. It's the only cognative thought you've had at TK that actually came from your own brain. Personally, I think you're shooting in the dark in hopes of finding someone to help you come out of the closet.

SaintLucifer said:
Even the others began to question your antics. I recall them all responding to your posts and asking 'he is right, you do keep following him everywhere. What we want to know is why'.

Please find the topics where this happened and provide links here. I dare you. Otheriwse, you've just proven yourself a liar. Not that that would be the first time.

SaintLucifer said:
You were so shamed that time you started to resist following me until you felt it was safe enough to continue with your gay antics. For one who claims I PMed you, the odd thing is EVERYONE who has ever PMed me complains I never respond. Rather foolish this is making you look and you know it. Strange that it does not seem to bother you.????????????

Why should I be bothered? Making you look like a moron, a retard and a liar is turning into a rather enjoyable hobby. Costs nothing, doesn't take a whole lot of effort, and I get to sit back and LMAO at you. Now run along and collect those links. Let's see if you can actually substantiate one of your claims this time.