I thought that the l33t g33k5 gave up on the AYBABTU shit years ago. Why is this dipshit dredging up old news? Doesn't he realize we've already seen this shit? Can't he at least try to invent a new form of annoying people? Has the world reverted that much? Are we spiraling towards another medieval time (not the crappy theme restaurant, the actual era for which it got its name)? I guess I'll start packing my bags and hording food and ammunition. The end is near. Thank you dual. Unwittingly, you've delivered the first sign of the Apocalypse. Unfortunatley, you'll never understand what you've done. You're a pervertedly divine messenger, nay, harbinger of the times to come. Like Judas Iscariot, you will be considered evil for what you've done. However, you cannot help it. You're only doing the divine one's work. Completing his master plan. As without Judas there would've been no crucifixion. Just as without you there would never have been the coming of the Apocalypse. Even though Judas' slight brought about the salvation of mankind, you're only delivering all of us to death. So, I guess the short of it all is that you suck.