TNA Genesis


U mad 'bro?
From the TNA site.


Quick Results:
- Hulk Hogan unveiled the NEW Impact Zone!
- X Title: The Amazing Red def. Brian Kendrick
- Sean Morley def. Daniels
- Knockouts Title: Tara def. ODB to regain the gold
- Tag Team Title: Matt Morgan & Hernandez def. British Invasion to win the titles
- Desmond Wolfe def. D'Angelo Dinero
- Beer Money def. Kevin Nash & Sean Waltman
- Mr. Anderson was revealed as the major acquisition!
- Mr. Anderson def. The Monster Abyss
- World Title: AJ Styles def. Kurt Angle to retain after help from Ric Flair

Missed the epic event? You can still catch the replay on your cable or satellite provider! Check your programming guide for replay airdates and times!

- Hulk Hogan made his Pay-Per-View return, kicking off the event by introducing the NEW Impact Zone in Orlando with an updated ring, entrance ramp and more! Hogan talked about TNA being proud to be a wrestling company and promised a huge night and more changes to come! The legend also stated "What are you gonna do Vince McMahon, now that TNA is coming for you?"

- The first surprise of the night was The Amazing Red's X Division Championship opponent, who was Brian Kendrick! After an amazing, all-out, high-flying bout, Amazing Red pulled off the win by hitting the Code Red finisher on Kendrick!

- TNA newcomer Sean Morley upset Daniels, beating him with his top rope splash for the pin and win. Daniels hit Morley with all of his high-octane offense, but Morley countered him at every turn. In the end, both Morley and Daniels battled on the top rope, with Morley blocking a hurricanrana and hitting his finisher for the victory.

- Tara regained the Knockouts Championship by defeating ODB 2-0 in the Best Of 3 Falls match! Tara scored an early pin at the near 3min mark with a small package, then later hit her Widow's Peak finisher on ODB for the pin and the title!

- "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan and Hernandez became the NEW TNA World Tag Team Champions by defeating The British Invasion! After the action broke down among all the superstars, Matt Morgan was able to hit his Carbon Footprint finisher on Brutus Magnus to get the win and the championship! After the bout, the new titleholders celebrated the huge win!

- In the back, Abyss and Bobby Lashley got into a brawl, resulting in Abyss knocking Lashley out of tonight's match. Hulk Hogan told Abyss he would still have a bout tonight and that he should leave all the hardcore craziness in the locker room and prove himself in the ring!

- In a bout filled with plenty of back-and-fourth action and submission skills, Desmond Wolfe got the win with a vicious lariat after The Pope missed a knee in the corner. After hitting the big clotheslines, Wolfe covered Dinero for the pin. Wolfe was accompanied to the ring by a beautiful brunette.

- Backstage, Eric Bischoff told Jeremy Borash he would no longer be conducting interviews as punishment for helping Mick Foley. Instead, he handed the duties over to Christy Hemme, who interviewed the arriving "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who said he would let everyone know when he was ready why he came to TNA!

- Next up, Beer Money took on the team of Kevin Nash and Sean Waltman! During the bout, Scott Hall came out from the back and distracted Beer Money, allowing Nash and Waltman to gain the advantage. However, Hall went after a fan at ringside, resulting in Waltman trying to calm Hall down. Inside the ring, Nash went for a powerbomb, but Storm superkicked Nash and sent him into a follow-thru by Roode for the pin and the win! After the bout, Nash wasn't very happy with Waltman and Hall.

- Up next, it was time for the debut of the major acquisition...who turned out to be MR. ANDERSON! It was a familiar entrance for the new TNA Superstar, who spoke about crossing the line and coming to Total Nonstop Action! However, his first bout would be a challenge as he faced "The Monster" Abyss! In the end, after hitting his "Shock Treatment" on Anderson, Abyss went to the outside to use a chair from a fan. However, Anderson took brass knuckles from his tights and smashed Abyss with them after the referee took the chair away from Abyss. Mr. Anderson comes to TNA Wrestling and wins his debut against Abyss!

- In an amazing main event match, AJ Styles successfully defended the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Kurt Angle...with unexpected help from Ric Flair! After Angle had Styles trapped in the Ankle Lock, Flair pulled the referee from the ring. Later, Flair threw Styles the World Title, and uncharacteristic of AJ, he used it to knock Angle out! Flair threw referee Earl Hebner back in the ring to register the three count! A very controversial finish to the main event, with AJ Styles using Flair's questionable tactics to get the win! After the bout, AJ and Flair celebrated in the ring and even strutted up the entrance ramp!


U mad 'bro?
So they now have flair, hogan, nash, hall, X-pac, bischoff, val venus, jeff hardy, "spanky" brian Kendrick and NOw Kennedy?


I suppose they would have had Umada if he didn't die.

WWE shouldn't blame there wrestlers for a crappy show. It's the writers, Dude.


i was disappointed, the show was good but it didn't have the same IMPACT! as the live monday night show.

cheers to TNA though!

i also miss thte six sided ring, that was trademark tna.


U mad 'bro?
I didn't get to watch it,

No More Six Sides??!!
What the hell!!


I want to smell dark matter
Was reading the report on WrestlingObserver just then. Heard Hogan and Bischoff got booed when they announced there was no more six-sided ring. Also...

Even though Daniels did a heel promo to start the match, the crowd saw Morley as a WWE reject and didn't want him. Morley didn't get over at all. The crowd mostly did funny chants like "Washed up porn star" and "Sit down Brooke" when Brooke Hogan would do this fake getting into Morley in the front row. When Morley won, using the money shot, which I guess they are allowed to use as a term, the first few rows right in front of the hard camera all turned their back. It didn't help that Morley nearly slipped off the rope. Not a positive in any way when you've got a guy who last month was challenging for your world title losing to a guy who had been an enhancement guy for five years in WWE.

Putting Val Venis over Daniels is retarded (though the heckling of Brooke sounds funny.)

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I'll miss the six sided ring too, but I always liked Kennedy and Kendrick...

Daniels should go back to being Curry Man, and I guess AJ is going heel again?