Troll Kingdom

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To my darling, MX


Forever Empress E
To my darling, MX:

I'm sorry I've been neglecting you lately.

Feel better now?


Quit pissing in my wet men thread.

Thank you,

Love, Love, Kisses, Kisses, etc., etc., etc.
MessengerX said:
Got a problem?

Take it up with Conchaga for putting smut in my thread. :mrgreen:

Baby cakes, don't make your issue with Conchaga an issue between me and you. If you wish to take issue with me, post pictures of dry GOOD-LOOKING men in my wet men thread - that'll show me!
This is such a vivid sense of Deja Vu here.

"Sadly, we have had to resort to karma..."

If Conchaga requests the same, it shall be done, oh lovely el.
Besides, I have a hostile stalker I've got to take care of. Someone messing with my daughter outweighs porn in your threads.
Well, I've thought about it and I'm not going to get too excited. I work for a municipality, I live two blocks from a police station, my big biker kick ass neighbor keeps an eye out for me, my big son-in-law lives here, I have a 180 lb. dog and two 60 lb. dogs. Online, the worst the creep can do is harass me and that is an ignore button away from solving. But, the jerk crossed the line by going to another board and hunting down personal information on my daughter to taunt me with.
That's definately crossing the line.

Perhaps he's never heard the expression, "Don't mess with Texas"? ;)
curiousa2z said:
That's definately crossing the line.

Perhaps he's never heard the expression, "Don't mess with Texas"? ;)
Ha! Obviously not.

I forgot to mention the 5 attack cats. They are actually scarier than the dogs - especially Bonnie, who hasn't learned to retract her claws when she is just playing.