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To Sweet Cassie


New member
My dear sweet Cassie and all her friends who have tried to help me with my struggle. I have done this online investigation not only for myself, but to show all the young people online that we don't have to resort to violence in order to accomplish an objective. I am ashamed for some of the tactics I have used in my dealings with these corrupt individuals, government officials, federal agencies........but you have to fight fire with fire sometimes. I have tried to tone down the profanities.......I have not been a good example to the 20+ year olds...........the cybersex and stuff was to troll info out of these dirty old men. It should never have been this way.........I should not have had to go to the lengths I have had to go to in order for justice to be done. It has taken a big toll on me personally, professionally and financially ...........but I would never resort to violence. It is not the way..........these evil people have resorted to violence. They are parents.......I am ashamed to say they are adults my age. None of them have been good examples to the youth.......our future.
I will fight this to the end.........put not with violence. I will use my mind, I will trick them, I will troll them............but I will not use violence. It is not the answer. I am doing this for all the young people.............I want to show you that there are things worth fighting for..............our Constitution being one, but we should never feel so desperate we would take a life. I would like to see all of the young people who have done the right thing be rewarded. I think you will be, you will be rewarded for trying to help me by putting your feelers out there..............out in cyberspace. By using your minds to figure out what is going on, to lobby your Congressmen and Senators who are now showing us they will hold the legal system responsible for their corruption.

Alberto Gonzales and the DOJ should have done something about this a long time ago.........his department is in charge of cybersecurity, cybercrime. I cannot believe they have not bothered to answer my numerous reqests...........what do you bet his office knows what all those IP numbers are??

We will hold them responsible, but we will do it by being persistant and by asking God to help us. That is what I am doing.
I will, I have turned it all over to God. I also have started a Prayer Journal. I start out by telling him I love him, then I ask him to forgive me for saying bad words on message boards and to help me quit, then I ask him to help me with all the various other sins I have committed, then I thank him for forgiving me. After that I thank him for doing everything he has done for me since I started praying and I try to be specific because when I ask for questions he gives me answers in the form of dreams or things that happen. After I do all of that I get out my wish list and ask him for all this stuff cause it states in the Bible if you believe, you will receive so I am going to share with you what I axed for tonight and we will see if it happens.

My list to God:

Please get the bill collectors off my phone.
Don't let them foreclose on my house.
Help me pay my bills.
I would like to have a boyfriend now, preferably one who is in the church or who knows about the Bible and believes.
I want him to be attractive if at all possible.
I want to know what all the IP numbers mean in my online investigation.
I want to take a vacation some day.
I would like to go to Africa and Israel.

the biggie I have been praying for every day:

I pray that you will show all the evil people involved in this corruption, criminal activity and cover-up the err of their ways. I ask you deliver justice, that it be swift and that it be so obvious to everyone that they will fear following in the path of people like the corrupt, greedy, powerful leaders of our country.
I pray that Alberto Gonzales gets put out of office and that he be shown on National TV to be the incompetent FOO he is. I pray that all of those is the DOJ be dealt with if they have contributed to the evil/vile sinister going-ons that have ruined so many lives. I ask that you punish them and you make the punishment so severe that the example you make of them will be seen by every federal agency in our government.
I pray that you help the honest lawyers/DOJ employees and federal agents work to make our country a better place to live and you reward them for their honesty and integrity. I pray that you make it so they are not afraid to be whistleblowers or passive because of the political corruption that plagues their agencies.
I pray you give our politicians the strength and courage to do the right thing, set examples for our young people, restore faith in our government.

Now.............lets watch what happens Cassie.
OK is an update to show you how God will answer your prayers, all you have to do is ask and believe he will answer, show you the answer or say not now.

Sometimes he says No...........

k..........I have not received any more phone calls from bill collectors cause I learned how to turn my phone off!!!
Alberto Gonzales is looking pretty flaky right now and Senators are asking for his resignation. I have a feeling they are really getting ready to put the pressure on him in a way that he never dreamed possible.

I am waiting on the rest cause he is pretty busy right now with all the VT families so it may be a few days or weeks before we get the rest of the answers!!

See!! I told you.