Troll Kingdom

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To whom it may concern


There is no Yub/Loktar feud. There is however Loktar being an arse and me placing observations.

My only other option is simply to cease all communications and I'm not going to let one person dictate how I post here due to their insane batshittery or whatever.

I do not enjoy being lumped in with Loktar because he chooses to travel this current path. While it's true I helped start his current behaviour I cannot end it, Loktar is solely responsible for when he ends this current bout of haemorrhoid rage.

I'd suggest he sling insults and such via PM instead of making everyone endure his childish tantrums, but I don't know wheter he's current ignoring me or not, he's can't seem to make up his mind on that.

Anyways, I'm tired of this shit. I was going to leave the Badllands originally so as not having to deal with it, it's simply annoying and there is no laugh value in it. It's like old repeats of the Nanny....At least when I was feuding with Dirk he was amusing...
Meh. I don't see how. He owns me because I'm annoyed by his stupidity? If that owning then Facly really did run this place and Hummus is our current king.

At any rate, I apologise to the Badlands for any inconvenience caused by this little problem Loktar has with getting over it. If I knew he was going to be such a whiny little brat, I'd have treated the little tyke with kid gloves and spared us all a world of grating annoyance.
I'm not going to let one person dictate how I post here due to their insane batshittery or whatever.

LOL...the irony. But its ok for you to try and dictate how I post here, Lonaf and elsewhere on the internet? Yub you reek of hypocrisy.
Meh. I don't see how. He owns me because I'm annoyed by his stupidity? If that owning then Facly really did run this place and Hummus is our current king.

At any rate, I apologise to the Badlands for any inconvenience caused by this little problem Loktar has with getting over it. If I knew he was going to be such a whiny little brat, I'd have treated the little tyke with kid gloves and spared us all a world of grating annoyance.

No, he pwns you because of the way you react to his rather simple trolling of you. Loktar's pretty laid-back and open minded about himself, and sometimes your over-reactions to those gentle, easy proclamations is kinda funny to witness.
No, he pwns you because of the way you react to his rather simple trolling of you. Loktar's pretty laid-back and open minded about himself, and sometimes your over-reactions to those gentle, easy proclamations is kinda funny to witness.

jack "gets it".
Dual "gets it"
hummus "gets it"
Dirk "gets it"
Picklepus "gets it"

Why don't you?
There is no Yub/Loktar feud. There is however Loktar being an arse...

That's about where I stopped reading. And did this...

LOL...the irony. But its ok for you to try and dictate how I post here, Lonaf and elsewhere on the internet? Yub you reek of hypocrisy.

Meh. I said what I've said. Boundaries are boundaries. I happen to think you dragging shit from board to board is inappropriate. You think it's fine. So we disagree. I disagree with a lot of people about a lot of things. You don't see them ignoring me then not ignoring me, slinging a few insults my way them flailing about attempting to decide whether or not to ignore me again, frothing at the mouth.

I fail to see how your current actions, attempting start shit in perfect peaceful threads, twice now I may add, once at Lonny and once in the MF are akin to me telling you pull your head in and keep this bullshit which originated here here so other people can ignore it at their whim rather than be ambushed by it in the middle of their fun spam. Your bitterness flows about like toxic waste. Worse still all I have to do is reply, however mildly and instead of you being an bitter pill alone, it's the Yub/Loktar feud.

Now either stop acting like a brat yelling I'LL DO WHAT I WANT WAAAH or yell at me via PM where other people don't have to witness it and where I can bin it.
LOL Loktar you're such a nerd! You put up both my videos in your sig. :P

Hay, and come to think of it, your entire sig is thanks to me...
LOL Loktar you're such a nerd! You put up both my videos in your sig. :P

Hay, and come to think of it, your entire sig is thanks to me...


50% is thanks to you. 25% is thanks to jack(Death to Cucumbers!), and 25% is thanks to I Love Cunt(such a great quote).

Yeah I'm such a nerd.

50% is thanks to you. 25% is thanks to jack(Death to Cucumbers!), and 25% is thanks to I Love Cunt(such a great quote).

Yeah I'm such a nerd.

No. Then it's 75%. Go back to that thread. I asked that question out of nowhere, because I knew noone has every asked that before, and I knew exactly what she'd say. I did it to make you happy my Loktar! :)
No. Then it's 75%. Go back to that thread. I asked that question out of nowhere, because I knew noone has every asked that before, and I knew exactly what she'd say. I did it to make you happy my Loktar! :)

Can't you be happy with 50% credit? I knew she was gonna say something like that too. Why don't I take credit for it as well? Because I'm not a douche(lol j/k).