Tomorrow, for about 20 minutes...


Elder Statesman
...I shall change my avatar to a photo of my actual, current (within a month or so) appearance.

You all might want to turn avatars off for that time.

That is all.
Mine is me with a little Photoshop rubbed on it. I don't really have a yellow eye, but that's how I feel when I'm too high.
Y'all always do these things when I don't have access to a computer. Hmpf.

And mine's me...if I were a cartoon who liked to wear golf skirts.
In your case Ms. Tis, PM me with an address and I'll send you the photo I used.

Just don't hold me liable.
LoL. Nope, I missed it fair and square. Maybe you'll do it again. Just don't do it on Wednesdays. ;)