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Top 5 places you want to visit before you kick it

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
1. Easter Island (Rapa Nui National Park). Those Moai facinate and terrify me all at once.

2. Galapagos Islands. Looks like an incredible place to visit. Why be pedestrian?

3. Africa-specifically on safari. I would LOVE to be on safari, see Lions and Hippos and Giraffes in their natual habitats. It seems thrilling.

4. Ireland. The birthplace of my family name, if not my family. I would love to see Bono and The Edge in their natural habitats. It seems thrilling!

5. Antarctica. You can get there from Aruba, I think. Just to eventually be able to say I've set foot on all 7 continents.
I was going to say "MICHELLE TRACHTENBERG" but wacky already beat me to the "use the thead as a metaphore for sex" thing.