Top 50 TV Characters Hitler Kitty Hates!

Hitler Kitty

Hitler Kitty hates [you]!
1. Hitler Kitty Hates The Biker Mice from Mars!

2. Hitler Kitty Hates Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers!

3. Hitler Kitty Hates Krypto The Super-Dog!

4. Hitler Kitty Hates Bucky O’Hare!

5. Hitler Kitty Hates The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

6. Hitler Kitty Hates Mickey Mouse!

7. Hitler Kitty Hates the Fish from American Dad!

8. Hitler Kitty Hates Jerry, from Tom and Jerry!

9. Hitler Kitty Hates Speedy Gonzales!

10. Hitler Kitty Hates Danger Mouse!

11. Hitler Kitty Hates Count Duckula!

12. Hitler Kitty Hates The Squidbillies!

13. Hitler Kitty Hates 12 oz. Mouse!

14. Hitler Kitty Hates Tweetie Bird!

16. Hitler Kitty Hates Every dog from every Warner Bros. Cartoon ever!

17. Hitler Kitty Hates the hamster with the bug-eyes from that Adam Sandler kids movie coming out!

18. Hitler Kitty Hates Pluto!

19. Hitler Kitty Hates Flounder from The Little Mermaid!

20. Hitler Kitty Hates Dyno-Mutt!

21. Hitler Kitty Hates Brian from Family Guy!

22. Hitler Kitty Hates that monky from The Superfriends!

23. Hitler Kitty Hates that monkey from Space-Ghost!

24. Hitler Kitty Hates all the mice from The Secret of Nimh

25. Hitler Kitty Hates Underdog!

26. Hitler Kitty Hates Hong Kong Phooey

27. Hitler Kitty Hates Astro!

28. Hitler Kitty Hates Dino!

29. Hitler Kitty Hates Pigs in Space!

30. Hitler Kitty Hates the Werewolf from that 80’s shoe: Werewolf!

31. Hitler Kitty Hates Every other werewolf also!

32: Hitler Kitty Hates Mighty Mouse!

33: Hitler Kitty Hates the mice from Cinderella!

34. Hitler Kitty Hates the hamsters from that Kia commercial!

35. Hitler Kitty Hates Filler Bunny!

36. Hitler Kitty Hates Shredder, from The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

37. Hitler Kitty Hates Scrappy Doo!

38. Hitler Kitty Hates I Am Weasel!

39. Hitler Kitty Hates Odie, from Garfield!

40. Hitler Kitty Hates Woody Woodpecker!

41. Hitler Kitty Hates The Pound Puppies!

42. Hitler Kitty Hates G’nort, the dog-like Green Lantern!

43. Hitler Kitty Hates Alf!

44. Hitler Kitty Hates Brain, from Inspector Gadget!

45. Hitler Kitty Hates the dog from Fraggle Rock!

46. Hitler Kitty Hates the fraggles from Fraggle Rock!

47. Hitler Kitty Hates Nibbler from Futurama!

48. Hitler Kitty Hates the mice from the Muppets!

49. Hitler Kitty Hates Puppy, from The Smurfs!

50. Hitler Kitty Hates that dog gargoyle from The Gargoyles!



I want to smell dark matter
I like all those characters.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
There's an Adam Sandler kids' movie coming out?


I want to smell dark matter
Bucky O'Hare was cool though.


Is this real life?
And that monkey with all the arms he hung out with.


I want to smell dark matter
Someone post the Bucky O'Hare theme song now.


I want to smell dark matter
Nibbler talking was always planned I think.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
Hitler Kitty do you hate Kitty Pryde?