Love Child
One Love
Tomorrow is the anniversary of someone passing away last year. I tried to ignore it, or I just didn't feel anything until just now when I started bawling. Fucking sucks.
The kid was only 22. Car accident. Brought together a lot of people and showed a lot of people some love. Lived with pain most of his life due to some medical conditions, and should not have been alive as long as he was-but he never or rarely fucking complained, he was almost always usually happy and always had a hug for you. He was a huge guy too.
LOL He also sometimes pissed a lot of people off at times too. : ) At his funeral someone said, "Man the last time I saw him, I said ....." I can't remember what it was, but he felt bad, and I re assured him because the last time I saw him I refused a hug from him too.
Its all good. Life is life until we die. Nothing is certain, I could die tomorrow, you could die tomorrow and all I would have to say is that I am glad I knew you for this time.
But for some reason it is things like this that just cause us to bawl like a baby sometimes.
I have to feel it and let it out otherwise it will come out later at some other time.
Don't respond-its ok. I just needed to vent because I don't have a lot of people to talk about this particular situation about. /wierd situation.
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The kid was only 22. Car accident. Brought together a lot of people and showed a lot of people some love. Lived with pain most of his life due to some medical conditions, and should not have been alive as long as he was-but he never or rarely fucking complained, he was almost always usually happy and always had a hug for you. He was a huge guy too.
LOL He also sometimes pissed a lot of people off at times too. : ) At his funeral someone said, "Man the last time I saw him, I said ....." I can't remember what it was, but he felt bad, and I re assured him because the last time I saw him I refused a hug from him too.
Its all good. Life is life until we die. Nothing is certain, I could die tomorrow, you could die tomorrow and all I would have to say is that I am glad I knew you for this time.
But for some reason it is things like this that just cause us to bawl like a baby sometimes.
I have to feel it and let it out otherwise it will come out later at some other time.
Don't respond-its ok. I just needed to vent because I don't have a lot of people to talk about this particular situation about. /wierd situation.
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