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TQ is a DIRTY motha'

Here is your problem fucked up from the very beginning. You chose the wrong side, you didn't do your homework, then you back-pedaled, fucked up some more, kept harassing me. Harassing me was a BIG mistake, being GREEDY was another mistake, trying to cover up your LIES with more LIES kept putting you in the trick bag.

I was just playing with you BOY. You still don't get it. This could have been easy...........only dealing with anything and anyone government is never easy. They don't believe in would eliminate too many positions, streamline things too much. Nope.........they believe in making things hard, complicated..........that way it takes longer for the "average Joe" to figure out how it really is.


If the private sector worked the same way not only would we be out of would you.
I better not get the slightest HINT you had anything to do with the Burglary charge that was falsely created on me with a government computer.

I will bury your sorry ass.
FederalAgent007 said:
I better not get the slightest HINT you had anything to do with the Burglary charge that was falsely created on me with a government computer.

I will bury your sorry ass.

I actually 'did' TQ's motha! Fucker could be my SON!!