The Tomtrek
Love Wookiee

As you all know because I won't shut up about it, today is Michelle Trachtenberg's birthday and she's 28 now and here's a thread about it because I've been doing that for like 4 years now and really it seems like the thing to do. Okay!
Despite Gossip Girl ending, this year was far from a barren wasteland of non-Trachtenbergness. She did things! Sometimes she was photographed doing them!
Okay so,

See, that's what I call Michelle Trachtenberg.
She went on Kathy Griffin's talk show. She looked like this (she's on the left):

And this happened and she also threatened to stab Kathy Griffin to death (in a light-hearted way!). Also there was good Michelle Trachtenberg eyebrow action through the whole thing.
OH ALSO she was on an episode of Criminal Minds WHERE SHE WORE GLASSES

In the episode she plated a crazy stalker (really well) and she was all emotional with a gun (seriously even though I'm totally biased I thought she was excellent in the role)

And anyway she killed one of the main characters' internet girlfriend (spoilers) and now Twitter hates her even more than when she was Georgina Sparks!
OH OH OH OH YEAH also Sexy Evil Genius FINALLY came out this year. And it was pretty good!

Even Wacky watched it!
Huh that was more Michelle Trachtenberg than I remembered...
Anyway, so,
Michelle Trachtenberg then dyed her hair red. At around the same time she was being Twitter friends with Bryan Singer. So then there's the rumour going round that she'll be in X-Men: Days of Future Past as Rachel Summers as a secret cameo or something but who knows! Here's her red (TOTALLY FOR X-MEN) Hair:

It then went back to black (which is also dyed, Trachtenfact fans):

Sorry, but, look at this dress:

It's good.

Here is Michelle Trachtenberg wearing all grey and despite that looking really good:

It's a thing she does.
THE BIG NEWS about Michelle Trachtenberg aged 27 was that she was cast as Marina Oswald in National Geographic's "Killing Kennedy", which will air in just under a month's time. She got all nerdy and researched the shit out of Marina Oswald and answered a whole bunch of questions about her on Twitter and did this interview that you should watch. The cool things about this are:
1) Michelle Trachtenberg will do the role mostly in Russian, which she can speak because of how awesome she is.
2) Michelle Trachtenberg's 1960's hair:

Also Rob Lowe.
Even though Killing Kennedy isn't out yet, that hasn't stopped Michelle Trachtenberg wearing a nice dress to promote it


Right, okay, so then this happened

Now it should be noted that the original image Michelle Trachtenberg tweeted was actually a negative, and part of a joke about how her skin doesn't like the sun because of how pale she is, but then there's also the fact that it's a picture of Michelle Trachtenberg in a bikini top. Both good things.
At this point Michelle Trachtenberg also did a video for I'd love to know what it's about, but it's not out yet!
And then, almost at the end now, there are these pictures from "The Scribbler", out next year. This is Michelle Trachtenberg.

Seriously, look at those pictures, and then at the Killing Kennedy ones. I really really like how Michelle Trachtenberg is now getting a variety of roles that allow her to look so different. OKAY?
Then she wore this dress:

And that's pretty much it!
Well, in conclusion, happy birthday Michelle Trachtenberg, I think you're great. You're 28 now.
If you liked seeing my brand of Michelle Trachtenberg mental illness, you can now get it every day on my tumblr, Random Trachtenberg. Sorry about all this.