Trailer for the first Doctor Who special:


I want to smell dark matter
So it's kind of like the South Park episode 'City On The Edge Of Forever'.


Is this real life?
Ah, so they CGI'd everything in the end.


Boobie inspector
It looks pretty good, that trailer said HD, I didnt think the specials where going to HD until christmas, but that will be a good treat if the easter special is HD


I want to smell dark matter
Michelle Ryan's tits are covered.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
It looks pretty good, that trailer said HD, I didnt think the specials where going to HD until christmas, but that will be a good treat if the easter special is HD

Yeah I think all the specials are in HD, and the main show will go HD when Moffatt takes over in 2010 (and they'll build a new TARDIS set to go with it).


Boobie inspector
That is good news, I was tempted to watch out for the trailer on the BBCHD channel, but I didnt want to miss it on BBC1 if it turned out not to be on there.

It came on just before the apprentice


a treat for missmanners
jeepers creepers 2?????


I want to smell dark matter
Has that black woman been in something before or do they all look the same to me?


Boobie inspector
I think she was the same one as the air stewerdess on midnight, who I think was either on eastenders or casulty first


I want to smell dark matter


Boobie inspector
Did anyone else on the bus look familier?

I wonder if the bus is full of people the Doctor let die on ealier adventures?


Is this real life?
That would make some sense taking the title into account, but I don't recognise any of the other passengers.


I want to smell dark matter
I was looking at the names the one of them was in "Turn Left" but I couldn't remember the character and I've fogotten the names now.


Boobie inspector
I dont trust IMdb, as they are listing Sheridan Smith as being in the episode, and I am sure we would have heard about that before now