Treachery, Faith, and the Cheerleader

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Eliza Dushku Slams Daily Mail For Hayden Panettiere Diss
August 31, 2011 6:00 pm

Do not mess with Hayden Panettiere because she apparently has Eliza Dushku watching he back. The Daily Mail ran an article titled “Are times that tough Hayden?” taking the actress to task for participating in a Toronto Expo fan gathering where fans are charged money in exchange for autographs, signed pictures, and the chance to meet their idols.

Well, Eliza Dushku, who participated in the Expo as well, was having none of that and took it upon herself to call out the editor of the Daily Mail.

Eliza’s full letter is after the jump:

“Editor-in-Chief, the Daily Mail

“Dear Sir,

“I write to you because the piece of your paper that concerns me was anonymous. The piece was 27th August titled “Are times that tough Hayden?” ridiculing and attacking the actor Hayden Panettiere for participating in a Toronto Expo fan gathering where fans are charged money (Oh shock! Oh shame!) in exchange for autographs, signed pictures, and the chance for a bit of face time with their favorite celebrity.

“My dear editor, how does Hayden’s action differ from what you do for much of the content of your “news” paper? There we have celebrities exchanging their name (sometimes willy-nilly, no permission asked), their time, and their pictures in exchange for a bit of publicity for their work. At least the fan shows (such as the current Toronto Expo one) are honest and up front about the exchange. In addition, at these shows both fans and celebrities get some precious small contact with each other as real people. Your paper does not provide that value.

“Yes, you will have to tell me where you think you get off attempting to diminish a young actor who is attempting to reach out to fans in one of the only practical ways provided by the entertainment industry, an industry your paper is a part of and largely dependent on.

“It is particularly shoddy that the author scoffs at Hayden’s lack of “Harry Potter” or “Spiderman” fame while leaving himself unnamed as “Daily Mail Reporter.” Talk about being a parasite! Does Daily Mail Reporter want to shoot down Hayden’s career, just at it’s beginning, and then take a salary for doing so. Seriously, Sir, for shame.

“Eliza Dushku”


Is this real life?
This news article is basically "hey, did you know scifi conventions exist? lol". What a load of shit. Good for Eliza Duckshoes for standing up for herself and Hayden Pantsintheair when they're being ridiculed for doing something most other high profile actors have. Admittedly, it's a bit unusual for someone in Pantsintheair's league to be charging for their autograph (I think it's free for most celebs when they come over here, but they get a percentage of the profits of entry fees), but autographs can cost a hell of a lot more than 25 Canadian dollars.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Is this real life?
I saw Mohinder at a con once signing autographs and posing for photos, LOL LOOK AT THE WASHED UP HASBEEN SURROUNDED BY ADORING FANS.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
He's on "Covert Affairs." Or at least he was.


I want to smell dark matter
She (Dushku) should have dared them to make fun of her for appearing in Torchwood webisodes.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
What a stupid move by The Daily Mail, making fun of Hayden for appearing at conventions.

They should've made fun of Hayden for her terrible acting or her manshoulders instead.


I want to smell dark matter
Viggo Thingy (was his name even Viggo?) was always too hot for her, yes.


She posted this up on her Twitter a couple of days back, and I afforded myself a smile. She's a smart lady (even if she ain't too great at the acting thing).


Is this real life?
I was surprised at the use of the term "willy-nilly" in an otherwise stern letter.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Once you've been infected, you can never really shake Joss Whedon fully out of your system.


I want to smell dark matter
MILO, that was it.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Is this real life?
I really like going to cons and meeting washed up stars such as those actors from Harry Potter (what have they been in lately?!), Karen Gillan (she was in some kids history show on Saturday I think?) and William Shatner (don't hear much about him these days, I guess he's not working anymore) so this is yet another reason to hate the Daily Mail.

I often wonder how I'd react if I ever met one of their "journalists". It'd be like the fight or flight response, only with the options being "clobber them while hurling abuse" or "walk away in dignified disgust, perhaps muttering to self".


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Can't you beat them up and then walk away with your dignity by having beaten down such a person?