Troll Kingdom

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Troll Chat


New member
The first thing, IMO, that people who know what 'troll' means and who perhaps are somewhat experienced one, when faced with a troll, is to exclaim that the troll in question is 'weak.'
LMAO! I'm stoned!
Messenger said:
The first thing, IMO, that people who know what 'troll' means and who perhaps are somewhat experienced one, when faced with a troll, is to exclaim that the troll in question is 'weak.'

Interpretation is everything and subjective to the individual trollee. However, that having been said, the troll audience does so enjoy to be entertained and perception is reality.

Know your audience.

And remember to pay your Troll toll on your way back across the bridge.
I love the way a troll can bring a boring board to life. I prefer the comedian trolls to the mean ones. Takes more cleverness to be funny than to be hateful.
In the words of Louis XIV, "I am the audience!"

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The more civil I try to be, the more enraged they get it seems.

The source of my terrible woes.

Already I see a parody thread. Hmm.
"That is fine, and I would have praised you more had you praised me less." ~ Louis XIV

“The only thing that one really knows about human nature is that it changes. Change is the one quality we can predicate of it. The systems that fail are those that rely on the permanency of human nature, and not on its growth and development. The error of Louis XIV was that he thought human nature would always be the same. The result of his error was the French Revolution. It was an admirable result.” ~ Oscar Wilde
I have a stalker at Yahoo who calls me Herb and accuses me of kid fiddling everyday on the Yahoo boards.
Turdforge? You should know better.

They're not very bright, are they? For a community that's supposed to be of a thicker skin, they seem to keep falling for the same old shit over and over again. Perhaps you should take your act to a non-Red Room forum and see how many get banned under the new Martial Law act. :twisted: