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True Blood 7x04 'Death Is Not The End'


The Fangtasia flashbacks were really great. Ginger cracks me up and Pam looked great with the big 80s hair.

Eric and Sookie are so much better than Bill and Sookie, IMO.
Oops, I forgot!

I loved the Fangtasia flashbacks, but the rescue was pretty average. This new Sookie-as-Ripley badass hero thing is a little silly, except when they have Jason attempt the same pose and fail by comparison -- that was funny. And like with the premiere, the fight was staged/framed in a confusing manner, where you can't tell who is getting staked until it's over. I wouldn't complain if I thought that was their intention this time, but I know it wasn't.

I agree - Eric and Sookie is badass. Bill and Sookie is like a show on the ABC Family network. Or the Hallmark Channel.