Truth, Justice...


...and all that other stuff?!

Sorry...Superman is an American icon. Screw whoever thought it was a good idea to make him culturally inclusive!

It's Truth, Justice..and the AMERICAN way, people! :rwmad:
What with all the bad stuff going on in the world, I doubt Hollywood would slap anything American-related on the film.
Ultros said:
What with all the bad stuff going on in the world, I doubt Hollywood would slap anything American-related on the film.
It pisses me off to think that little by little, what makes America unique is being sacrificed for the greater global good.

And yeah, Hollywood would sell out it's own mother for a blockbuster.
Hell, I own that troll on half a dozen different boards, and even on one board where it isn't even considered trolling. lol

Still... it doesn't hurt to not be the ONLY one who's willing to tell a truth that's more than a little ugly.
If, by troll, you mean my topic...

Why the hell is it a troll? The phrase pissed me off as soon as I heard it. My anger is genuine.

Jeez, guys, not everything on this fucking board is a troll. :roll: