I just learned from my local-area blogs that yesterday there was a murder-suicide in the skeezy motel across the street from where I live. At first I was mildly amused and horrified because the community of neighbors in that skeezy motel were LOUD last summer, drunkenly bickering with eachother at all hours in all combinations. Then I recalled that in those kinds of places the turnover is usually pretty high, so the deceased probably weren't part of that group. Now I've read a little more and I'm so sad. They were a newly-married couple, with one of them helping the other to separate from the street lifestyle. And it also appears that it was the "less troubled" individual who handled the gun.
Amazing how that works, and not the first time in my experience that the straight and narrow individual commits the more horrific act. Anyone can be in that situation so quickly, and the smallest-seeming decisions can bring about consequences with such finality.
Amazing how that works, and not the first time in my experience that the straight and narrow individual commits the more horrific act. Anyone can be in that situation so quickly, and the smallest-seeming decisions can bring about consequences with such finality.