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I just learned from my local-area blogs that yesterday there was a murder-suicide in the skeezy motel across the street from where I live. At first I was mildly amused and horrified because the community of neighbors in that skeezy motel were LOUD last summer, drunkenly bickering with eachother at all hours in all combinations. Then I recalled that in those kinds of places the turnover is usually pretty high, so the deceased probably weren't part of that group. Now I've read a little more and I'm so sad. They were a newly-married couple, with one of them helping the other to separate from the street lifestyle. And it also appears that it was the "less troubled" individual who handled the gun.

Amazing how that works, and not the first time in my experience that the straight and narrow individual commits the more horrific act. Anyone can be in that situation so quickly, and the smallest-seeming decisions can bring about consequences with such finality.
I once very nearly shot and killed some teenagers who had jumped and beaten up a buddy of mine. I had the gun and the anger and every intention of putting a hole in at least one of them, and several of us went tearing around a very small town in a truck looking for said teenagers. To this day I am very thankful they were warned and successfully hid from us until I calmed down, You can't take back a bullet and I very nearly learned that lesson in the hardest way possible.
It is times like that gives meaning to the phrases
There but for the grace of god go I.
... I have seen yesterday and love today.

Yesterday we had a guy strip naked and climb on top of a billboard, threatening to jump. He was up there for hours - until the storm rolled in. Then he came down. How odd - he would kill himself but he wasn't about to get wet.
Yesterday we had a guy strip naked and climb on top of a billboard, threatening to jump. He was up there for hours - until the storm rolled in. Then he came down. How odd - he would kill himself but he wasn't about to get wet.
Perhaps he feared electrocution. Strange how the suicidal often seek a specific way of ending their lives and eschew others. It sort of feeds my notion that suicide is a romantic (and melodramatic, and idiotic --unless, say, you're terminally ill) way of dealing with pain. Suckers have been getting duped by that bullshit since at least Romeo & Juliet...earlier examples escape me at the moment.
Perhaps he feared electrocution.
I was struck by lightning as a child (3rd grade) and it was not pleasant. I was sitting on top of a galvanized steel slide. I had my left hand on the railing. The bolt hit my head, traveled down my left arm, down through the slide and ground out. I fell sideways off the slide and hit the ground without my shoes. I don't remember any pain but my hand was burned pretty badly where I was touching the slide. The yard duty lady was screaming as I sat up. She was looking at the slide when it happened. She told my parents that everything including me flashed.

I wish I would have seen it. Must have been badass.

True story.
I nearly got struck in Kansas during a summer storm, missed me by about four feet and took out a telephone pole. I remember that metallic taste mostly, like chewing on a mouthful of pennies. Very surreal.

So Riotgear: one thing I gotta know- when you got zapped, were the other kids able to see your skeleton? Because I always thought that'd be kinda cool.
I nearly got struck in Kansas during a summer storm, missed me by about four feet and took out a telephone pole. I remember that metallic taste mostly, like chewing on a mouthful of pennies. Very surreal.

So Riotgear: one thing I gotta know- when you got zapped, were the other kids able to see your skeleton? Because I always thought that'd be kinda cool.

Have you ever had anything happen to you that you wish you had a video of?
I've been involved in a few things I'm glad there isn't a video of.

The way she was screeching it must have been spectacular. It's the thing I remember most clearly. I remember sitting up wondering what she was hollering about. I thought I was in trouble.

It turns out many people who are struck suffer severe mental problems and oft times mental disabilties.

I wonder how muh muh muh much smarter I would have been..
Have you ever had anything happen to you that you wish you had a video of?
I've been involved in a few things I'm glad there isn't a video of.

The way she was screeching it must have been spectacular. It's the thing I remember most clearly. I remember sitting up wondering what she was hollering about. I thought I was in trouble.

It turns out many people who are struck suffer severe mental problems and oft times mental disabilties.

I wonder how muh muh muh much smarter I would have been..
Hell, I got stuff I wish there wasn't a memory of, let alone a video record. Youth may be wasted on the young, but we damn sure made the most of our allotment of stupidity...
I spent pretty much my entire teen years from age 12 to 19 living in scuzzy hotels around the country. I am a scuzzy hotel afficionado. I have killed roaches, chased off crackheads and called the cops to break hooker/pimp brawls in about 14 cities in 6 states, not counting the ones I only spent a couple nights in. Oh, the stories I could tell.
lol depends how you squint at it. Life is what it is, and comes with no guarantees of happiness or pain. For nothing else, my life experiences have made me very stoic to more mundane bumps in the road, and a great many things are given their proper perspective.