Best part of the live feed last night was Nikki saying how lovely and sweet Sunshine is. I HOPE THEY BECOME FRIENDS.

Oh, and Josie's walked out.


Ulrika: There's no point having the show now, we might as well all leave!
Brian: Okay, you first!
Darren from BB1 just came in and accused Nick of writing down a list of names to influence nominations lol.
Coolio and Nadia had a major argument over something and she's said she'll leave if he isn't kicked out.

Nikki was crying because she had a dream about Thom Yorke (no, I didn't get it either.)
Didn't make the highlights! :rwmad:

They did it again tonight so let's see if they show it tomorrow. Possibly not as they make so many inside references to editing and the producers...
Makosi has a secret task where she has to make everyone hate her, but the housemates have a DOUBLE secret task where they have to be extra nice to her. She looks a lot hotter with clothes on, strangely enough.
They interviewed (a confused) Brian on the BBLBC tonight. Which means where's more chance of it being shown tomorrow since the producers love Brian.
Anthony Hutton came in for a date with Makosi. They were fine together, but at the end she got all weird and said they should go on holiday together and invited him into the hot tub.
BBLBC interviewing Makosi right now!

Makosi: Women say to me "Makosi, your boobs are real, how do you do it?"
Victor: I want to know that!

Makosi: Boobs are fat.
Victor: Your boobs are fat, I'm not going to lie!