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US Citizens to be Required 'Clearance' to Leave USA

That's right, freedom is not free. Every once in a while we have to fight a war. Soon we'll fight a world war. Millions will die maybe, but we need to be eternally vigilant.

Besides, this policy of clearing Americans and giving them the AOK to leave isn't like the old Soviet policy because it's different.
This is so stupid that it boggles the mind.

First off, anything the DHS proposes doesn't automatically become law. DHS is filled with a fully illustrated color catalog of idiots and lackwits who can't find their own asses without help. That's no mystery.

Second, unrestricted travel is a right determined by the USSC...given that you haven't done anything to have that right restricted, like...I dunno...being a terrorist or something.

Given both, the sheer number of flights (for example) in and out of the US each day and the number of people on each one precludes any concerted effort to control who gets to come and go. Think about it: how many people each day fly in and out on international business? How many people fly in and out through tourism? How much do those flights cost per person? What's the tax base on those flight costs? What would be the effect on US business if their businessmen and couriers were stymied because of some "approval list?" What major business in the US will put up with these sort of restrictions on their operations? How much pull do they have on capitol hill?

How would such a list be managed? By computer? We've seen the effects of the "no-fly" list so far... 5 year olds because denied a flight because they're a suspected terrorist and so forth. Magnify that by the sheer numbers of flyers each day, and that's a recipe for epic-level fuck ups.

And why is it everytime something like this gets in the wind, people always pull up the USSR and Nazi Germany for comparisons. The Soviets discouraged travel because they wanted a self-contained state without contamination from foreign ideas. Germany has always been a bunch of control-freak pricks...the Nazis were nothing new...but the same idea applied to the Reich as well.

I'm not sure who's the bigger dumbass: the guy who made this story up or those who swallow this 5th grade paranoid fantasy bullshit.