US War Plans in the Iran


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Richard Perle reveals US War Plans in the Iran

"I think of war with Iran as the ending of America's present role in the world. Iraq may have been a preview of that, but it's still redeemable if we get out fast. In a war with Iran, we'll get dragged down for 20 or 30 years. The world will condemn us. We will lose our position in the world."
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Vanity Fair, 2006.

A disturbing article.
The only disturbing thing is that if we did commit to war it really would not be a war. It would only a dick wagging quagmire much like Iraq. Bush is far to liberal to do what needs to be done in Iraq.
I don't believe things are ever going to get better when we have such corruption in the White House
Lilith said:
I don't believe things are ever going to get better when we have such corruption in the White House

We have one corrupt and/or just stupid resident in the White House. That's easy. We also have 535 corrupt and/or just stupid members of Congress who care mostly about their own electability over everything else and the thousands of lobbyists that feed them. That's the greater problem, as they hold the greatest power. Nobody ever seems to blame them for anything, though, since it's human nature to hold Fearless Leader responsible for everything.

Kill 'em all and start over again.

*note to any Federal officials who may be watching this thread: That wasn't a threat, merely a thought.*
Lobbying needs to be stopped. Ask Americans what we want. Then do what we want. People that try to buy influence? Take every penny they have and let them live on the street. It's time American politicians were no longer lawmaking prostitutes.