
beer, I want beer
For many, many years, we Canadians have heard:

American no.1: "Fucking pinko Canadians!"
American no.2: "Fucking commie Canadians! No wonder they chose red for their fucking national colors"

Falsehood ascribed to Canada by dumb Yanks: "Canada is a communist/socialist country"

Fact: Canada is not a socialist country, never has been and never will be, not as long as I am alive.

Fact: USA IS a socialist country, thanks to that cupcakeER, Obama.

Fact: USA has 'socialised' many of their banks, as has much of the civilised 'capitalist' world.

Fact: Canada remains the ONLY capitalist country to not socialise a single one of its banks. Not one.

Fact: The above is proof that the USA is a nation full of morons, so stupid they socialise their very symbol of capitalism, their banks, whilst Canada's government has never touched any of our banks.

Fact: 'Unfettered capitalism' proved to be the downfall of the US economy, proving that 'pure capitalism' could never work, something I have been telling people for centuries, which is why I am a FASCIST.

Fact: 'Regulated capitalism', which is what the USA seeks today, to the point of copying Canadian banks, and Canadian government policies of regulating capitalism. A shame the Americans are so stupid they believed this included socialising their entire fucking economy.

Fact: Canada's banks are the best in the world, which is why they are the ONLY ONES which remain non-socialist.

Fact: Canada is the greatest country on earth, whilst the USA, thanks to their idiotic handling of their own economy by allowing unfettered capitalism, has become:



beer, I want beer
We love Canada. We just don't like you.


beer, I want beer
My Northern Frosty Home!
I admit I don't know the WOOORRRDS,
So I make them UP
as I go aloOOOOOONG!

OOOOOOO, Caaaaanada!
That first part never gets OOOOLD!
I can only guess at the words of the rest
Canda's pretty fucking COOOOLD!

Yay, Canada! We love you, except for Luci! He's a dick!


beer, I want beer
Hmmm, I am sensing a particular hatred directed solely at myself. Most curious indeed. Or is it more jealousy? Yes, the latter.


beer, I want beer
My Northern Frosty Home!
I admit I don't know the WOOORRRDS,
So I make them UP
as I go aloOOOOOONG!

OOOOOOO, Caaaaanada!
That first part never gets OOOOLD!
I can only guess at the words of the rest
Canda's pretty fucking COOOOLD!

Yay, Canada! We love you, except for Luci! He's a dick!



beer, I want beer
You've staple-gunned your scrotum to your forehead again, dear. You should probably call the health service.

'Staple-gunned'? Ah yes, the American education system in action. It has been proven that communism makes people very stupid. I thank you for proving what was once a 'theory'.

At least when I call our health service, I will not have them say 'uh, your insurer, and the policy number please? Would you perhaps be insured for this type of care? If not, we must decline.'

Fucking moron.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I'm sorry, you're a self-identified Nazi who doesn't even know who Edmund Burke is.

Your warmed-over opinions are not valid.

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!
Why am I entertaining the idea that this guy just might be serious?


moral imperfection
Of course he is. Lucy is a Canadian nationalsocialist who has taken over the task to enlighten one of the most important message board communities this side of the theoretical construct formerly known as the Iron Curtain about HOW THE WORLD REALLY IS AND BTW COMMUNISM SUCKS KTHXBAI!!

That's, like, really, really serious business, man!

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
I detest Communism, the same as I detest National Socialism. I honestly view them both as being very similar in their destructiveness to society. Actually, I view Communism as being more destructive, since National Socialism was dealt with comparatively quickly, and Communism has been an open sore on the face of the world for over 100 years. The thing that's funny here, is how when looking at the political spectrum as a whole, Nazism really is a further left ideology then Luci would like us to believe. Hell, it's not even Fascism in it's purest form. Of course, to be fair, most ideologies are to the left of me. Being that I'm on the same side of the political spectrum as Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Ron Paul, etc.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
I detest Communism, the same as I detest National Socialism. I honestly view them both as being very similar in their destructiveness to society. Actually, I view Communism as being more destructive, since National Socialism was dealt with comparatively quickly, and Communism has been an open sore on the face of the world for over 100 years. The thing that's funny here, is how when looking at the political spectrum as a whole, Nazism really is a further left ideology then Luci would like us to believe. Hell, it's not even Fascism in it's purest form. Of course, to be fair, most ideologies are to the left of me. Being that I'm on the same side of the political spectrum as Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand, Ron Paul, etc.
