Video games to get "cigarette like" health warning labels?


I'm not wearing any pants!!;title;4

Politicians have previously portrayed games as a dangerous influence on par with smoking. Now one congressman has taken the extra step to try to have them carry warning labels like cigarettes.

Representative Joe Baca (D-California) has introduced the Video Games Health Labeling Act of 2009 with the stated goal "To require certain warning labels to be placed on video games that are given certain ratings due to violent content."

If passed, the bill would require games rated T-for-Teen or higher to carry a label that would read, "WARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior."

Although the goal of Baca's bill specifically targets violent games, the language of the legislation makes no exception for games rated T-for-Teen or higher that might have coarse language or sexual content but no violence.

"The video game industry has a responsibility to parents, families, and to consumers to inform them of the potentially damaging content that is often found in their products," the congressman said in announcing the legislation. "They have repeatedly failed to live up to this responsibility. Meanwhile, research continues to show a proven link between playing violent games and increased aggression in young people. American families deserve to know the truth about these potentially dangerous products."

I can't believe I actually thought that this shit would slow down after the disbarment of Jack Thompson.


U mad 'bro?
"WARNING: Responding to this poster could cause blindness and infant death in pregnant Nigerians."


Sinless and Purrfect
All warning labels ever did for the music industry was raise sales.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
This whole "videogame industry" thing does not fly with me. It's a clear cut case of murder simulation, and training our youth to become effective murder machines. Such software used to be exclusive for the Army for a good reason.


Sinless and Purrfect
True. Ever since Ive played Mario, I fly along the streets on a winged turtle shell, whipping hammers at anything that moves.



U mad 'bro?
He's refering to first person shooters that desensitize a person to the acts of violence.


I'm not wearing any panties!!
This whole "videogame industry" thing does not fly with me. It's a clear cut case of murder simulation, and training our youth to become effective murder machines. Such software used to be exclusive for the Army for a good reason.

Our games fucking suck. I got shot exiting the Stryker (you aren't in control during the transition) and had to spend the whole freakin mission just a flying camera. Next mission me and my PL (I'm RTO) got killed in the Stryker by an RPG from above.

Fuck the Army video games. Only good one was the Medic Course one.


I love you
People are not responsible for thier actions? Such fucking bullshit. A warning label on a video game? Then put warnings in football games too and hockey games.
Put warning labels on the forehead of cops to the chicks that date them so they know they may be a potential murderer and not the safe guy they thought they were.
Put a fucking warning label on inmates to the stupid broads that fuck them, date them and marry them so when they have kids with them they aren't surprised.
Just stitch fucking vaginas up so chicks can stop having babies with stupid idiots and raising kids without fathers!
Regulate me please! I can't make decisions on my own! I am a fucking moron and can't figure this out without a fucking label!


I love you
Or is it more about the video game industry not being held "responsible" if they put a label on their game?


Let's fuck some shit up
Video gamers are getting trolled by the Dems.

Here I thought it would've been a Republican doing this.

The Question

A California Democrat came up with asinine bullshit.

Was there news in here somewhere?