Vince McMahon back at WWE ahead of media rights negotiations


Still in Mom's basement

WWE Shareholders Drop Lawsuit Against Vince McMahon​

A lawsuit against Vince McMahon by WWE Shareholders has been dropped as of Wednesday according to a new report from Bloomberg, a result of McMahon agreeing to repay the $17.4 million it cost the company to investigate him . Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster granted the motion, and the council for the WWE investors indicated they will seek a "mootness fee" for helping to force McMahon's hand. The report also notes that the $17.4 million seems to cover only the probe and not the $20 million or so that McMahon allegedly paid out to
his accusers. There is another group of shareholders who are also seeking a mootness fee after they dropped a related case when McMahon backed off on some bylaw changes he put into place when he returned to power in January.