You know what I think happened?
It's my conservative opinion that Wacky is really a time-shifting Hugonaut from the seventh dimension. Sent here by the leader of his kind, Hugo the Huge Hugan, to learn our ways and basically screw off on the internet when he has time. Today was a special day, however, as Wacky's time here in this dimension is almost at it's end. In his honor, the Hugan Hugonauts of Hugo held a hallowed feast, with a host of platters laden heavy with ham, hotsauce, and haggis.
Tomorrow, Wacky must leave this place and time and return home. Home, where a mid-level management position awaits him in Time-Travel-Modual-Exhaust-Waste-Management.
Lucky for us, one Hugan day is about eighty Earth years. Give or take seventy.