War is Better than Ron Paul - the True Democrat perspective


New Member
Let's face it. Ron Paul, the eternal wiseman, best said it in the Times interview: "Obama has neutralized the anti-war left. The anti-war left... has left."

Remember all those protests, in all those cities in the US, and in all those cities outside of the US? When Obama, the Democrat, took office, the war issue evaporated. Why?

I was an anti-Bush, anti-war conservative. I thought I had, on my side, many progressives. But as it turns out, all of those people who protested the war in Iraq and the torture and secret prisons, really didn't care about the war in Iraq and the rest - all they cared about was the fact that it was a Republican who was doing the bad stuff. Bad stuff, as in, making torture and secret prisons as part of American culture as Baseball and Apple Pie are. Once a democrat got in the White house, waterboarding became a national pastime, and the democrat munchkins who once protested Bush are now furiously defending Obama. For shame.

When a Democrat, our Holy The One, Our The One Sacred Mein Obama, got into office, the anti-war left..... LEFT. The current administration has done everything, and I mean every frelling thing, that the previous administration did, 10x more, but there are no protests to be seen complaining about the atrocious behavior of our BLACK BLACK BLACK FIRST BLACK HISTORIC president.

Could it be, that black people can be just as duplicitous as white people when it comes to holding positions of incredible power? Could Obama be as bad as Bush?




Mr. Thomas Woods is the only person on this planet I will ever admit is smarter than I am. You better pay attention, because I will never say this about any other human being again.

War Is Better Than Ron Paul, Say (Many) Progressives
