Watch POTC: Dead Man's Chest


I want to smell dark matter
Arr! A right royal rollicking romp of randy rum-drinking rhubarb! Arr! Keira is hot as fuck! Arr! The plot was alomst incombrehsible? Why did the bad guy want the heart? Oh well. It looked great. Johnny Depp is obivously THE MAN as Captain Jack, Orlando was passable but nothing more and completely blown away by Keira who was great and should obviously get with Jack since they're the better actors and it was good to see the Scottish guy from Taggart in it before he got eaten by the monster thing. Good special effects. Arr! RAPE!
CaptainWacky said:
The plot was alomst incombrehsible?
Hence why I have yet to watch the first installment. I tried to watch it a few years ago and only made it through the first 10 minutes. But I have resolved to watch both episodes soon because it is clear both movies have become cultural icons and the poppular landscape is now littered with veiled references from both which I fail to grasp. I will force myself to watch both soon.


I want to smell dark matter
The plot of the first movie makes sense if you pay attention...and it's still fun even if you don't.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I liked the first one, haven't seen the second one yet, bt I will someday.


I want to smell dark matter
Keira is hot.


Staff member
She is as hot as the preverbial "fuck." No doubt. It's a good movie to waste a couple hours with; which is lucky since that's the length of the movie.

The ending was :roll:


It was as funny as hell. Depp is camper than ever, and his little arm-flail when he runs is just too funny. Not much in the way of plot, but let's face it - it's all about OTT performances / hamming it up, and it delivers all over!


I want to smell dark matter
There should have been a cameo by John Barrowman where Depp's Jack cuts his dick off and says "i'm the only Captain Jack, arr!" then Keira pouts in MY direction.